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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Sujimon Rookie Trainers Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Sujimon Rookie Trainers guide! Here we’ll cover where you can find all of the Sujimon Rookie Trainers, their average party level along with the Sujimon types that make up their active and reserve party.



Location: Honolulu / Anaconda in the Anaconda Shopping Center on the 1st floor near the northeastern entrance

Sujimon Rookie Trainers Isaac Map Location

Average Lv: 4

  • Active: Light (4) / Shadow (5) / Nature (4)
  • Reserve: Nature (4)

District Five Sujimon Rookie Trainers


Location: Honolulu / District Five on the sidewalk along Anaconda Blvd next to Hi Wine & Spirits

Sujimon Rookie Trainers Aria Map Location

Average Lv: 5

  • Active: Shadow (4) / Shadow (5) / Frost (5)
  • Reserve: Frost (6)

Harbor Park Sujimon Rookie Trainers


Location: Honolulu / Harbor Park in Anaconda Park sitting on the bridge over the pond

Sujimon Rookie Trainers Kamaka Map Location

Average Lv: 4

  • Active: Light (4) / Light (5) / Blaze (4)
  • Reserve: Blaze (6)

West Waikiki Sujimon Rookie Trainers


Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki on Aloha St in the parking lot next to Hip Hop Shrimp

Sujimon Rookie Trainers Nov Map Location

Average Lv: 5

  • Active: Frost (4), Blaze (5), Frost (5
  • Reserve: Frost (6)


Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki in the courtyard of the Worldwide Market Village

Sujimon Rookie Trainers Niel Map Location

Average Lv: 5

  • Active: Nature (5) / Frost (5) / Nature (4)
  • Reserve: Nature (6)


Location: Honolulu / West Waikiki along the northern part of Kaku Ave west of the Worldwide Market Village

Sujimon Rookie Trainers Koa Map Location

Average Lv: 4

  • Active: Blaze (5) / Nature (5) / Blaze (5)
  • Reserve: Blaze (4)

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Tomizawa’s Drink Links Bonding Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Tomizawa’s Drink Links Guide! Here we’ll cover Tomizawa’s Drink Links or Heart-to-Hearts for each bond level detailing the Personally Chances in each one along with which stats increase for each dialog option.

Personality Chance 1

  • Honestly, that was nothing. – Charisma
  • I bet Marie’s doing well. – Passion
  • Has time healed your wounds? – Confidence

Personality Chance 2

  • You don’t know that for sure. – Charisma
  • I bet Marie doesn’t think so. – Passion
  • It wasn’t your fault. – Confidence

Reward: Tomizawa can now use Tag Team: Cross Slugger!

Personality Chance 1

  • Aren’t you relieved? – Intellect
  • Only one way to be certain. – Style
  • Hey, that’s great news! – Kindness

Personality Chance 2

  • Staying away might be best. – Intellect
  • You have to find her. – Style
  • Maybe there’s no right move. – Kindness

Personality Chance 1

  • To Marie’s happiness! Cheers! – Passion
  • You need to get closer. – Intellect
  • Be grateful that she’s safe. – Charisma

Personality Chance 2

  • Look into the new boyfriend. – Confidence
  • You could always talk to her. – Intellect
  • How about we ask the team? – Charisma

Personality Chance 1

  • That was slick. – Confidence
  • Kondo must be kinda dim. – Intellect
  • You went out without me? – Charisma

Personality Chance 2

  • So be it. You’re a good guy. – Passion
  • It’s okay to cry, if you want. – Style
  • We’re both suckers. Let’s party! – Charisma

After a cutscene, a battle will ensue with 3 Level 32 Local Thugs. Take them out to receive a 5 Star Cabbie’s Wrench, Electric Geode and Pure Steel along with a bunch of money and EXP!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Certifiable Lover Substory Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Certifiable Lover Substory guide! Here we’ll cover how to start this substory and what you’ll need to do in order to complete it!

How to Start 47. Certifiable Lover

To begin the 47. Certifiable Lover substory, you’ll first need to complete all the Ounabara Vocational School Exams! For a guide on the answers to these exams, click here!

Give Laura-chan Gifts

Once you’ve completed all 21 exams, chat with Laura Maeda behind the counter at Ounabara Vocational School. She’ll request 3 items!

ABC Store Gift Set

First, she’ll want the ABC Store Gift Set. To acquire this item, travel to the second floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center and purchase it from ABC Store (Anaconda) for $35.97.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth ABC Store Gift Set

Hawaiian Cosmetics

Next, she’ll want Hawaiian Cosmetics. You can find this item at Seaworthy Treasures in West Waikiki on Waikiki St. Purchase it for $48.00.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Hawaiian Cosmetics

Plumeria Bouquet

Lastly, she’ll want a Plumeria Bouquet. To obtain this item, make your way over to Melia’s Leis and Flowers on Downtown St. in Chinatown and purchase it for $60.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Plumeria Bouquet

Conclusion of Certifiable Lover Substory

Once you’ve given her the last gift, a cutscene will trigger. After the events unfold, the Certifiable Lover substory will complete!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Proficiency Exams at Ounabara Vocational School

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on the 21 proficiency exams offered at Ounabara Vocational School in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth! You’ll be introduced to these exams during the Playing with Fire substory during which you’ll take your first exam: Hawaii Proficiency Tier 2.

In this guide, you’ll find the answers to the questions asked on each proficiency exam. Please keep in mind that the questions you’ll find on your exam are taken from a pool of questions. We’ve listed as many questions as we were given in alphabetical order to make searching them easier as this is timed! You will not be able to pause your exam. Each exam will have a certain number of questions that you must answer correctly to receive a passing mark. We’ll include this number for each exam along with the rewards for passing each one! Please keep in mind that you will also be charged an exam fee for taking each of the Infinite Wealth proficiency exams!

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Proficiency Exams at Ounabara Vocational School

Infinite Wealth Vocational School Exams

Alcohol Expertise Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Style +120

To pass the Infinite Wealth Alcohol Expertise exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

A facility that produces beer is called a “brewery”. What is one that produces wine called?Winery
Sometimes a bartender may serve whisky on the rocks by simply adding a large sphere of ice. Which of the following statements about ice spheres is false compared to regular ice cubes?It is easier to prepare
Sugarcane was once grown extensively in Hawaii. The sugar from these plants is even used to make a certain alcohol, one that a Hawaiian royal enjoyed so much he set up his own still. What is the name of this alcohol?Rum
The drink shown here is a popular cocktail most commonly made with dry gin and dry vermouth, then garnished with an olive. What is the name of this cocktail?Martini
The plant shown here is used in beer for its bittering, aromatic, and preservative qualities in addition to its ability to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. What is the name of this plant?Hops
What does it mean to order a single or double whiskey?How much whiskey to pour
When alcohol, such as wine, brandy, and whisky, is aged in barrels, a small amount evaporates through the wood during the aging process, resulting in a slight loss. What is this phenomenon called?The angel’s share
When mixing a cocktail, what should be added to the device shown here?Ice
Which of the following cocktails shown here has “Hawaii” in the name?Blue Hawaii (blue drink)
Which of the following glasses is most commonly used to emphasize the aroma and carbonation of champagne?Flute glass (tall skinny glass)

Gardening Proficiency Exam

Exam Fee: $300

Personality Growth: Kindness +30 / Style +30

To pass the Infinite Wealth Gardening Proficiency exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

It is important to consider what season a flower will bloom in when gardening. Which of the following flowers blooms in spring?Tulip
The four-leaf clover is a rare variation of the regular clover and a symbol of good luck. How many leaves does a normal clover have?3
The ideal seeding method differs depending on the type of plant being grown. Which one would be appropriate for sowing pumpkin seeds directly into a field?3 seeds in each circle
The sunflower often symbolizes summer and blooms during July into autumn. Which period is the most appropriate time to sow sunflower seeds?April to June
There is a great variety of gardening shears, each specific for certain tasks. Which of the following is best suited for cutting a wide range or branches and leaves?Open shears
This herb is known for how easy it is to grow both outdoors and indoors at home. What is its name?Mint
Which of the following flowers is famous for their thorns?Rose
Which of the following flowers is not poisonous?Gerbera (pink flower with black center)
Which of the following images is of basil, a common kitchen herb often used in Italian cuisine among others?Plant in a white bowl
Which of the following plants requires a support in order to grow vines?Morning glory

Gem Proficiency Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Style +120

To pass the Infinite Wealth Gem Proficiency exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Gold jewelry is marked with notations such as “K14” to indicate the proportion of gold as opposed to other alloys. Which of the following notates pure gold?K24
In Oscar Wilde’s fairy tale, The Happy Prince, the statue of a prince asks a swallow to take the jewels and gold leaf adorning his body and deliver them to the poor. Which jewel served as the prince’s blue eyes?Sapphire
Ring sizes follow an international standard and are assigned a number or symbol based on their internal circumference. Japan uses numbers such as 1 and 2. What does the United Kingdom use to designate their ring sizes?Latin alphabet
Though most gems may be formed from a type of mineral, not all are. Which of the following gemstones is formed from hardened tree sap?Amber
What is a ring called when it is offered to a significant other during a proposal?Engagement ring
Which gem is famous for forming within the tissues of a living thing?Pearl
Which of the following gemstones is pyroelectric, meaning it generates voltage when heated up or under pressure?Tourmaline
Which of the following is true about diamonds?They can break when struck with a hammer
Which of the following jewels must be carefully maintained and stored to protect it from dry air and to preserve its beauty and luster?Emerald
Which of the following rings incorporates a gemstone that looks different from sapphire, but is actually another variety of the same mineral as sapphire?Ruby

Hawaii Proficiency Tier 1 Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Passion +50 / Charisma +50

To pass the Infinite Wealth Hawaii Proficiency Tier 1 exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Due to its height above sea level and geographical isolation, various countries have funded several facilities at Mauna Kea’s summit. What were these facilities built to observe?Astronomical objects
Hawaii is frequently hit by hurricanes, which cause extensive damage such as destruction of property. When Hurricane Iniki hit Hawaii in 1992, it destroyed farms en masse. Which animal was unleashed into the wild and crossbred with the feral population?Chicken
The Hawaiian archipelago has over 100 different islands. Which island is the second largest and home to Lahaina, once the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom?Maui
The Hawaiian language uses a 13-letter alphabet. Of the following choices, which is not used in the Hawaiian alphabet? S
The Hawaiian sport, he’e nalu, is so culturally significant even members of royalty partook in the past. Nowadays North Shore in particular is renowned as the capital of he’e nalu, drawing athletes from all over the world. Which of the following images depict this sport?Surfing
What is the name of the traditional Hawaiian dress that’s said to be derived from a type of gown introduced by Western missionaries in the 1820s?Mu’umu’u
What holiday is celebrated by Hawaii, but not other states in the US?King Kamehameha Day
Which active volcano in Hawaii has a crater named Halema’uma’u?Kilauea
Which of the following choices is the state bird of Hawaii, which has been involved in so many roadside accidents that warning signs, such as the one shown here, have been erected?Nene
Which of the following is the name of the reef triggerfish, the state fish of Hawaii, in the Hawaiian language?Humuhumunukunukuapua’a

Hawaii Proficiency Tier 2 Exam

Exam Fee: $0

Personality Growth: Passion +30 / Charisma +30

To pass the Infinite Wealth Hawaii Proficiency Tier 2 exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions. The answers to the Hawaii Proficiency Tier 2 Exam are as follows:

Ahi poke is a popular dish in Hawaii. Poke means “slice”, but what does ahi mean?Pacific bluefin tuna
The ukulele is a suitable instrument for playing cheerful Hawaiian music. What does its name mean?Jumping flea
The white flower shown in the image is often seen in Hawaii and used in hair ornaments and lei. What is its name?Plumeria
Up until the first half of the 20th century, what plant was cultivated all over Hawaii in large fields, such as the one shown here, and used to brew a type of Hawaiian alcohol?Sugarcane
What is the Hawaiian gesture that involves raising both the thumb and pinky called?Shaka sign
What famous Hawaiian confection is a fried doughnut coated in sugar?Malasada
Which of the following images is of a lei, a decorative object known to have many variations and is often seen in Hawaii?Picture of a flower necklace
Which of the following pictures is of the Hawaiian dish, kalua pig?Picture with brown meat on left, green veggies on right and rice on bottom
Which of the following statements is true about Waikiki Beach as of 2024?It was man-made
Which of the following volcanoes and famous tourist spots is named Le’ahi in Hawaiian?Diamond Head

Honolulu City Proficiency Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Passion +60 / Charisma +60

To pass the Infinite Wealth Honolulu City Proficiency exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

The travel agency, Alo-Happy Tours, has their own unique mascot. What is the mascot’s name?Alo-Happy
What is the name of this building?Ryukai Shrine
What is the name of this establishment?Revolve Bar
What is the name of this location?Aloha Beach
Which crazy and funky food delivery business does this logo belong to?Crazy Eats
Which mode of transportation in Hawaii can be ridden from the location shown here?Trolley
Which of the following establishments in Honolulu is a place where you may watch sensual dances and performances?Dolls & Devils
Which of the following establishments serves the Blue Hawaii, a cocktail that originated in Hawaii and is known for its vivid blue color?Ocean Boys
Which of the following images is of Anaconda Shopping Center?Flamingos
Which of the following items can be found on Shinobi Sushi’s menu?Rectangular plate

Marine Life Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personal Growth: Confidence +50 / Kindness +50

To pass the Infinite Wealth Marine Life exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Jellyfish lack certain organs other animals may have, but they do possess structures that perform similar functions. Which of the following is one such structure in the moon jelly?Eyes
Of the following marine organisms, which lives at the lowest point below sea level?Footballfish
Of the following organisms, which one does not belong in the same animal class as the others?Penguin
Penguins are famous for being flightless birds and exceptional swimmers. Which of the following species is the largest in size?Emperor penguin
Since dolphins do not have involuntary respiration, they must be conscious to breathe. How must they sleep in order to avoid suffocating or drowning?They alternate which half of their brain sleeps
What is the name of the marine organism that cannot propel against tides and currents and is instead carried by them?Plankton
Which of the following images is of the clownfish, a species known for their symbiotic relationship with anemones?Orange and white fish
Which of the following is the largest marine animal in overall size?Blue whale
Which of the following marine organisms has lungs instead of gills and, therefore, cannot breathe underwater?Orca (black and white whale)
Why do turtles appear to shed tears from their eyes when they lay eggs?To regulate salt concentrations

Mathematics Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Intellect +120

To pass the Infinite Wealth Mathematics exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Given the die face shown, what is the value of the opposite side?2
Given the displayed time, how many minutes will it take for time to read 9:30?55 minutes
Mike is late for his date with Ellen. If Mike runs at 150 meters per minute, how long will it take him to meet up with Ellen, who is waiting 1500 meters away?10 minutes
What is the answer to the following equation? 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9-10=?35
What is the answer to the following equation? 1+2×3+4×5=?27
What is the answer to the following equation? 196/14=?14
What is the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon?720 degrees
What is the x in the following numerical sequence? 1,3,7,13,x,3121
Which of the following expressions will result in a different answer from the rest?12.3+3.7
Which of the following layout can form a cube?t-shape

Muscular Science Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Passion +60 / Confidence +60

To pass the Infinite Wealth Muscular Science exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

In which of the following sports do athletes place particular emphasis on lifting weights with the neck muscles?F1 racing
Of the following vegetables, which has the most nutrients and is also most effective in helping build muscle?Broccoli
Protein supplements are useful for building muscle. When is generally the most appropriate time to consume them?Within 30 minutes after exercising
What is the most appropriate way to reduce soreness from muscle aches after an intense workout?Stretch and relax the affected muscles
Which boneless cut of chicken is best for muscle building due to its high protein and low fat content?Breast
Which of the following exercises cannot be performed without equipment?French press
Which of the following foods is said to be the best energy boost and can prevent muscle cramps, providing beneficial to eat prior to or while working out?Banana
Which of the following is not part of the Big 3 Workout, which helps improve core strength?Push-up
Which of the following is the largest muscle in the average adult male body?Quadriceps
Which of the following nutrients is most important for building muscle?Protein

Ounabara Proficiency Exam

Exam Fee: $1,000

Personality Growth: Passion +100 / Confidence +100 / Style +100

To pass the Infinite Wealth Outer Space exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 5 of the 5 questions. These questions will come from all the other tests you’ve previously taken! Good luck!

Outer Space Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Kindness +120

To pass the Infinite Wealth Outer Space exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Approximately how much does a space suit that will allow an astronaut to survive outside the spacecraft cost?1 billion yen
If you could walk from Earth to the moon, approximately how many years would it take to get there?About 10 years
Saturn, the sixth planet in the solar system, is most famous for its ring system. What are these rings primarily composed of?Ice
Since 2007, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has certified various foods to be consumed in space. Before that, only foods approved by NASA could be brought into space. Which of the following did Japanese astronauts request to get approved, only to be denied by NASA?Natto
The Crab Nebula, part of the constellation Taurus, also has the designation “M1”. Similarly, the Lagoon Nebula, part of the constellation Sagittarius, is also called “M8”. What does the ‘M’ in these designations signify?Messier
What was the name of the comet that flew so close to Earth in 1986 that it was visible to the naked eye?Halley’s comet
Which of the following four planets is known as both the Morning Star and the Evening Star?Venus
Which of the following has a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it?A black hole
Which of the following is responsible for the rise and fall of the tides in Earth’s oceans?The moon
Which of the following is true about Earth’s moon?The rates of rotation and revolution are the same

Sega Proficiency Tier 1 Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Confidence +50 / Charisma +50

To pass the Infinite Wealth SEGA Proficiency Tier 1 exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

In SEGA’s Super Monkey Ball series, what is the name of the island that all of the monkeys live on?Jungle Island
R360 is a motion simulator released by SEGA that could spin 360 degrees on two axes. Which of the following images is of the R360 arcade cabinet?Wheel
Sakura Amamiya is one of the main protagonists in SEGA’s Sakura Wars. When is her birthday?March 19
SEGA has released various hardware over the years. Which of the following game consoles was a remodeled version of the Sega Mark III?Master System
Sonic the Hedgehog is an action game released by SEGA. What is Sonic’s height?100 cm
Tails is a two-tailed fox who appears in SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog series. What is the name of the airplane that he pilots in Sonic the Hedgehog 2?Tornado
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a strategy game created by SEGA. Which country’s military does the protagonist, Claude Wallace, enlist in?United Kingdom of Edinburgh
Which of the following characters is Jeffry from SEGA’s Virtua Fighter 3D fighting game series?Guy with red wrist bands
Which of the following game consoles was released between the Genesis/Mega Drive and the Sega Saturn?Game Gear (Black console with a small square screen)
Which of the following is the controller for the Mega Drive, a video game console that was originally released in Japan?Black controller

SEGA Proficiency Tier 2 Exam

Exam Fee: $300

Personality Growth: Confidence +30 / Charisma +30

To pass the Infinite Wealth SEGA Proficiency Tier 2 exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

In 1993, SEGA released what is widely recognized as the first 3D fighting game, which later became its own series. Which of the following is an image of the very first game in this series?Virtua Fighter (blue ninja on right side of group)
In SEGA’s Sakura Wars, there are a number of divisions that serve to protect Tokyo. For instance, the Flower Division operates as a frontline unit to combat demons. Which division specializes in intelligence and undercover operations?Moon Division
In SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog series, which of the following items do players typically collect during gameplay?Rings
Puyo Puyo is a puzzle game series published by SEGA. Which of the following characters has family that runs a grocery store?Girl holding an apple
SEGA’s Super Monkey Ball is a platform game series where monkeys roll around inside of balls. What is the protagonist’s name?AiAi
SEGA’s UFO Catcher is a crane game in which players operate a claw arm and attempt to win prizes. Which of the following is the first UFO Catcher?The all pink machine
The Dreamcast’s storage medium was innovative during its time, as it featured an LCD screen and minigame capabilities. What is the name of this medium?Visual Memory Unit
This full-body motorcycle racing game has been in operation since 1985 and features a bike-shaped cabinet that players would ride on, leaning left and right to turn. What is its name?Hang-On
Which of the following is an image of the arcade cabinet for Out Run, a road racing simulator?Red seat
Which of the following video game consoles is the Dreamcast?White console that says SEGA and has 4 controller slots

Sports Proficiency Exam

Exam Fee: $300

Personality Growth: Passion +30 / Confidence +30

To pass the Infinite Wealth Sports Proficiency exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

At the start of sprinting events, athletes place both hands on the ground. What is this position called?Crouch start
Basketball is a team sport where the player with the ball must repeatedly bounce it on the ground while moving. This is known as dribbling. What is the name of the penalty that occurs when more than three steps are taken without dribbling?Traveling
Before the start of a soccer game, children called “player escorts” hold hands with the players entering the pitch. Which of the following about player escorts if false?They help carry the ball
Bowling is a sport where the player rolls a ball down a lane to knock down pins and score points. However, if a ball veers too far left or right, it will fall into a trench, preventing it from knocking down any pins. What is this trench called?Gutter
Darts is a competitive sport where the play throws three pointed missiles, or darts, at a dartboard to score points. How many points have been scored in the following picture?85 points
Different clubs are used in golf to get the ball into the hole in as few strokes as possible. Which club would you use to make the ball roll when it is on the green?Putter
Each ice skating sport has specific skates that are best suited for them. Which of the following images shows skates most suitable for speed skating?Picture of black skate with white stripe on top
In baseball, it is common to throw slower pitches called “breaking balls: to confuse the batter’s timing. Once such pitch is the forkball. Which of the following images demonstrate the correct grip to throw a forkball?Picture with ball between index and third finger
In cue sports such as billards and snooker, the game begins by positioning the balls together in a rack, then shooting the cue ball to scatter them. What is the name of this opening shot?Break shot
The Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA) is an international organization that administers competitions for water sports. According to FINA’s swimming ruleset, at what distance must a swimmer break the surface of the water after the start of the race and each turn?15m

Sujimon Mastery Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Kindness +60 / Style +60

To pass the Infinite Wealth Sujimon Mastery exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

The Gainz Chaser Sujimon is known for his exceptionally muscular physique. What kind of action does he perform to strengthen himself?Grow gigantic
The Krass Kringle Sujimon resembles Santa Claus. He also performs what action similar to Santa Claus?He gives presents
The Wild Hog Sujimon wields food as a weapon and a shield. What does he do whenever his health decreases?Eats the shield
This Sujimon, Dump Chump, performs a wide area attack using what object?Oil drum
This Sujimon, Rebel Yeller, attacks by swinging around what object?Iron pipe
Which of the following skills is used by this Sujimon? (masked guy with blue hawaiian shirt)Rep the Set
Which of the following skills is used by this Sujimon? (guy with ammo holder sash)Nicotine Smog
Which of the following Sujimon can use “Pissed Pistol,” a skill that spits sake from the mouth?Drunkabout (white button up shirt)
Which of the following Sujimon has a self-damaging skill called “Air Burst”?Beach Baller (beach ball)
Which of the following Sujimon steals your money?Blackmailer Daemon (black t-shirt)

Trivia King Tier 1 Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Charisma +60 / Kindness +60 / Intellect +60

To pass the Infinite Wealth Trivia King Tier 1 exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Clothing stains caused by oil from food like pizza can be difficult to wash out. What type of powder is often used in the kitchen and is effective at removing these kinds of stains?Baking soda
Credit card sizes are determined by an international standard for easy use. About how many sheets of high-quality copy paper (0.08 mm per sheet) does it take to match the thickness of a credit card?10
In an orchestra, wind instruments are divided into woodwind instruments and brass instruments. Which of the following is a brass instrument?Trumpet
In the 20th century, a time when railroads, mines, and the steel industry were some of the most dangerous environments to work in, what movement aimed to reduce workplace hazards?Safety First Movement
Like octopuses, what organ does a squid possess three of?Heart
Mount Everest is Earth’s highest mountain above sea level, but what did it used to be millions of years ago?Seafloor
Name the extreme sport that originated from French military training, which involves running, climbing, and jumping to overcome obstacles without any assistive equipment?Parkour
Pigeons have been used as messenger birds due to their ability to fly over extremely long distances and innate homing abilities. What does the pigeon use in order to find its way home?Earth’s magnetic field
Sherlock Holmes is a series of famous detective novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What was Holmes’ partner’s, John Watson’s, previous occupation before they began working together?Doctor
What is the Guinness world record held by the cucumber, a vine plant that is considered a fruit by botanical standards?Lowest calorific value

Trivia King Tier 2 Exam

Exam Fee: $300

Personality Growth: Charisma +30 / Kindness +30 / Intellect +30

To pass the Infinite Wealth Muscular Science exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Medusa, a monster in Greek mythology, is described as a beauty with snakes in hair. What happens to those who look into her eyes?Turned to stone
Name the phenomenon that occurs when a dying fire in an enclosed space can explosively reignite the combustible gases when a door or window is opened and lets in outside oxygen.Backdraft
What is the name of the classic Neapolitan pizza that’s made with tomato sauce and white mozzarella and topped with basil?Pizza Margherita
Which artist painted notable works such as Sunflowers and L’Arlesienne, but was not financially successful during his lifetime?Vincent van Gogh
Which of the following foods, known for its unique texture, is made from cassava, a root vegetable that grows mainly in the tropics?Tapioca (drink)
Which of the following is the chameleon, a lizard known for its ability change its body color to blend into the environment?Chameleon (green and orange with a curved back)
Which of the following vegetables is poisonous to both cats and dogs?Onion
Which of the following vegetables will float in fresh water?Pumpkin
Which of the following was originally used to remove pencil marks before the eraser was invented?Bread
Who is the almighty god of the sky and thunder in Greek mythology?Zeus

Trivia King Special Tier Exam

Exam Fee: $1,000

Personality Growth: Charisma +90 / Kindness +90 / Intellect +90

To pass the Infinite Wealth Trivia King Special Tier exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

A clef is a symbol that is placed at the left end of a musical staff to indicate the pitch of the notes written on it. Which letter of the alphabet is used to notate the treble clef?G
A helicoper generates both lift and propulsion from spinning rotors to fly. “Helicopter” can be broken down into which two root words?Helico + pter
A Japanese eel’s body is transparent in the earlier stages of its life cycle but gains color as it matures. What is the reason for this change?The sunlight turns them darker
A violin produces sound by drawing a bow across its strings. What material is the bow hair made from?Horse-tail hair
Because birds have beaks instead of teeth, how do they break down food to aid in digestion?They swallow rocks to crush the food
The sex of many living things is determined by genes, but for other species, it is determined by external factors. What determines the sex of many turtles, including sea turtles?Egg incubation temperature
What are the slashes made across the top of French bread in fixed intervals called?Coupe
What is the name of the toxic alkaloid C11H17N308, which is mainly found in the ovaries and livers of pufferfish?Tetrodotoxin
Which of the following statements about snails is false?Their mucus can dissolve metal
Why was natural indigo used to dye the first jeans?Because of the way it reacts with cotton

Underworld Studies Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Confidence +120

To pass the Infinite Wealth Underworld Studies exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Name the organization that expanded its influence to Yokohama and whose Japanese branch was headed by Chinese martial artist Lau Ka Long.The Snake Flower Triad
Naoki Katsuya was the patriarch of Ousaka Enterprises, an Omi Alliance subsidiary. He was also the president of a certain agency that operated as a front to conceal their illegal activities. What was the name of this agency?Osaka Talent
Sohei Dojima was the patriarch of a family within the Tojo Clan, the largest yakuza organization in the Kanto region. Which of the following crests belongs to his family?Black and silver with sharp lines
The Saejima Family was part of the Tojo Clan before it disbanded. Their patriarch, Taiga Saejima, was notorious for singlehandedly carrying out a hit on a rival clan. How many men were killed in this massacre?18
What is the name of the cabaret club in Sotenbori that was once managed by Goro Majima, later known as the Mad Dog of Shimano?Cabaret Grand
Which of the following groups was not part of the Tojo Clan?The Kijin Clan
Which of the following images portrays a young captain of the Ryudo Family, an Okinawan yakuza organization?Wearing the orange and white shirt
Which of the following images portrays Ryuhei Hoshino, the second chairman of the Seiryu Clan, one of the criminal organizations that maintained the Great Wall of Muscle, a three-way power balance in Isezaki Ijincho, Yokohama?White hair crew cut, goatee
Which of the following is Daigo Dojima’s, the sixth chairman of the Tojo Clan’s back tattoo?Humanoid holding a staff
Which of the following Omi Alliance members eventually became the fifth chairman of the Tojo Clan?Yukio Terada

World History Exam

Exam Fee: $500

Personality Growth: Intellect +120

To pass the Infinite Wealth World History exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist who is often called the father of modern science. What other field is he known as the father of?Observational astronomy
Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer who was active from the 18th to 19th century. What other name is his Fifth Symphony known by?Symphony of Fate
Since the end of the 20th century, leaders of great powers have held annual meeting to discuss and coordinate solutions to major global issues. What is the name of this political forum?The G7 Summit
The Baroque architecture was popular in Western Europe from the late 16th century to the early 18th century. Which of the following structures was not built in the Baroque style?Notre-Dame (brown building)
Which of the following began in southern Peru, then united civilizations across the Andes, eventually included modern-day Ecuador and Chile? (Hint: Their most well-known icon is Machu Picchu.)Inca Empire
Which of the following phrases was coined by French philosopher Rene Descartes in the 17th century?I think, therefore I am.
Which of the following portraits depicts George Washington, who is often considered the “Father of His Country”?White hair
Which of the following works of art was painted by Leonardo da Vinci?Mona Lisa
Which scientist invented dynamite, then dedicated his fortune to founding a world-class award in his will?Alred Nobel
Which ukiyo-e artist is famous for the woodblock print series, the Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji, which depicts Mt. Fuji from a number of different angles?Katsushika Hokusai

World Landmarks Exam

Exam Fee: $300

Personality Growth: Passion +30 / Intellect +30

To pass the Infinite Wealth World Landmarks exam, you’ll need to correctly answer 3 of the 5 questions.

Angkor Wat is a world-famous landmark in Cambodia. Angkor is derived from the Sanskrit word for “city”, but what does wat come from?Temple
Several towns and large villages in Andalucia, Spain, such as Mijas and Frigiliana, are known as Pueblos Blancos. For what reason do they paint their houses white?To protect them from sunlight
Statues in Germany modeled after the Town Musicians of Bremen depict four animals. Which of the following is not one of the four?Pigeon
The changing of the guards is a formal ceremony in which soldiers currently on duty, the Old Guard, are relieved of their sentry postings by the New Guard. At which iconic landmark do Royal Guards wearing their signature black bearskin caps carry out this ceremony?Buckingham Palace
The Colosseum is a famous amphitheater at the center of Rome, Italy. It was used for what purpose during Ancient Rome?A gladiatorial arena
The Palace of Westminster is a famous landmark in the United Kingdom. Located on the north end of the palace is a clock tower known as the Elizabeth Tower. It is more popularly known by what nickname?Big Ben
The Statue of Liberty is one of the United States’ most famous landmarks, located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. What object does Lady Liberty hold in her right hand?A torch
Which of the following images depicts the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, which was commissioned by Napoleon and built in Paris, France?Bright white arch
Which of the following images depicts the Louvre, a famous museum in France which houses works of art such as the Nike of Samothrace and the Mona Lisa?Picture with a glass triangle
Which of the following is true about the Sagrada Familia, the largest unfinished church in the world that’s located in Barcelona?It went a long time without a building permit

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Wondering when you’ll be able to change jobs or how to unlock new ones? Debating on which jobs to pick? Look no further than NGB’s Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Guide! Here we’ll cover when you can change jobs, how to unlock new ones and list each job along with their general stats and the skills you can learn from them!

When Does Changing Infinite WEalth Jobs Unlock?

To change jobs, you’ll need progress the main story until you reach Chapter 5. In this chapter, continue to complete main story objectives to arrive at Alo-Happy Tours! in Worldwide Market Village. This will trigger the Let’s Get Alo-Happy! substory which introduces the job change mechanic. Once you complete that, you’ll be free to change jobs at Alo-Happy Tours! whenever you want!

How to Unlock New Infinite Wealth Jobs

As explained during the Let’s Get Alo-Happy! substory, you can unlock new jobs by participating in activities through Alo-Happy Tours! Speak with Elizabeth behind the desk and choose to do an activity. Then you just have to select the activity you want to do that you meet the requirements for and can afford!

Infinite Wealth Jobs

The below table lists all of the jobs you can unlock in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth along with what activity unlocks them, the requirements to participate in that activity as well as how much it will cost.

Action StarParasailing ExperienceCharisma Lv. 4$200
AquanauntDiving TourKindness Lv. 1$0
AssassinN/AUnlocked by Default / Seonhee OnlyN/A
BreakerN/AUnlocked Automatically in Chapter 8N/A
ChefN/AUnlocked Automatically in Chapter 8N/A
DesperadoWater Gun ShootingStyle Lv. 5$1,600
Dragon of DojimaN/AUnlocked by Default / Kiryu OnlyN/A
FreelancerN/AUnlocked by Default / Kasuga OnlyN/A
GeodancerHula ExhibitionPassion Lv. 1$200
HeiressN/AUnlocked by Default / Chitose OnlyN/A
HeroN/AUnlocked Automatically in Chapter 2 / Kasuga OnlyN/A
Homeless GuyN/AUnlocked by Default / Nanba OnlyN/A
HostN/AUnlocked Automatically in Chapter 8N/A
HousekeeperDuty-Free ShoppingKindness Lv. 4$200
IdolN/AUnlocked Automatically in Chapter 8N/A
KunoichiYoga on the ShoreIntellect Lv. 5$1,600
Linebacker*Coconut TastingConfidence Lv. 5$1,600
Night QueenN/AUnlocked Automatically in Chapter 8N/A
PyrodancerFire Dancing ExhibitionPassion Lv. 3$200
SamuraiTrolley TourConfidence Lv. 5$1,600
SujimancerSujimon LeagueComplete the CEO of Suji Substory / Kasuga OnlyN/A
Tennis Ace*Resort Salon & SpaCharisma Lv. 5$1,600

Any Jobs followed by an * are DLC that you’ll have to purchase in addition to the game in order to use!

Infinite Wealth Jobs Status and Skills

Action Star

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Action Star
1Flying Dragon Kick10 MP – A kung fu classic which damages an enemy and applies your weapon’s attributes.
1Heaven’s Fall10 MP – A twisting neck throw which damages an enemy and applies your weapon’s attributes.
1Rapid Dance Kick15 MP – A flurry of crane kicks which damages an enemy and may increase your Agility.
1Swirling Dragon’s Throw30 MP – A high-speed nunchaku toss which damages a line of enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes.
10Flying Monkey Strike20 MP – An expert rush of blows which never misses and ignores the enemy’s guard.
12Boulder Breaker20 MP – A series of heavy strikes which damages an enemy and critically hits with each successful action prompt.
15Drunken Fist25 MP – A disorienting punch which damages an enemy, hitting harder the more inebriated you are. Increases your drunkenness.
18Relentless Dragon’s Dance20 MP – A furious nunchaku display which doubles the damage of your next physical skill on the following turn.
20Flailing Frenzy45 MP – A gale of nunchaku swings which damages enemies, applying you weapon’s attributes.
22Tiger Palm Strike30 MP – A ferocious body blow which damages an enemy and increases the number of strikes with successful action prompts.
24Essence of Improvisation65 MP – Uses everything at your disposal to damage enemies, recovering your HP
30Essence of Endless Kung Fu45 MP – Force an enemy to be like water as they endure take after take of stunt work, possibly instantly KOing them.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Aquanaunt
1Flipper to the Lipper10 MP – Treat a hodad to a visit to the surf and the taste of rubber.
1Beachside Bro-BQ15 MP – Recovers HP for yourself and nearby bros (ladybros included) with some mouthwatering grilled a’awa.
1Cresting Collider15 MP – Hang ten straight into a quimby and any along the way, applying your board’s attributes. The further that hodad, the harder you’ll hit him.
1Trippy Flipper Ripper25 MP – Break it down for these spongers and maybe increase your own Agility at the same time.
10Inker to the Blinker30 MP – Get gnarly with a squid-bro, doing magic damage to some wave hog and any around him, with a chance to blind that fool.
12Ahi Aloha22 MP – Tell a big guy goodbye with a frozen bigeye. Might even leave that quimby stunned.
15Boogie Woogie Board30 MP – Damages hodads and applies your board’s attributes.
18Beachside Bro-ffet30 MP – Big time HP recovery for yourself and your posse.
20Jellyfish Juice45 MP – Let a little buddy deal some magic damage to enemies, with a high chance of paralyzing those speed bumps.
22Cresting Carver45 MP – Carve the wave straight into a quimby and any along the way, applying your board’s attributes. Ditto from before – more distance, more damage.
24Essence of Dolphin Dive45 MP – Tubular damage to one kook thanks to the help of your ocean pals. If he ain’t knocked out, he might end up weaker to ice.
30Essence of Surf Twister65 MP – Hit the most epic bomb in history, sending spongers to hang ten in the next life.


1Bloodied Bowgun15 MP – Damages an enemy with the eye of a composed markswoman, guaranteeing a critical hit with a back attack
3Flash Grenade15 MP – Damages enemies with a chance of causing Blind
6Empress Claw15 MP – Propel a poor enemy upward, damaging them and applying your weapon’s attributes
8Breakneck Heel20 MP – Rapid succession of kicks which damages an enemy and may boost her Agility
10Voltaic Whip30 MP – Damages a short line of enemies with a dominating crack of the stockwhip, with a chance to cause paralysis
12Gas Grenade30 MP – With a violent throw, Seonhee gasses her foes, damaging enemies with a chance of poisoning them
15Gatling Bowgun38 MP – Damages a line of enemies, guaranteeing critical hits with a back attack
18Queen’s Claw30 MP – Spinning slash, damages them and applies your weapon’s attributes
20Sadistic Heel30 MP – Damages an enemy and may lower their Agility
22Stentorian Whip52 MP – Damages enemies with a sound barrier-breaking whip crack, with a chance to cause paralysis
24Essence of Bonebreaker45 MP – Damages an enemy with a high chance of a critical hit
30Essence of Wicked Web65 MP – Inflicts magic damage to enemies in her way, likely paralyzing any who survive


1Maximum Flair15 MP – Drop the beat and your foot on an enemy, applying your weapon’s attributes with a chance to boost your Willpower
1Rolling Thrash15 MP – Leave an enemy’s ears ringing and apply your weapon’s attributes, with a chance to recover MP
1Atlas Hold15 MP – Stunt on an enemy like they’ve never seen, applying your weapon’s attributes and possibly boosting your Defense
1Double Hatchet18 MP – Cartwheel kick an enemy into the next track. Applies your weapon’s attributes and may boost your Magic
10Collapsing Chair20 MP – Level an enemy with the treble as you apply your weapon’s attributes and possibly boost your Attack
12Goblin Swipe25 MP – Damages an enemy and applies your weapon’s attributes. May boost your Evasion and you’ll hit more with the action prompt
15Windmill38 MP – Applies your weapon’s attributes and possibly boosts your Agility
18Spin Sweeper45 MP – Applies your weapon’s attributes and possibly boosts your Attack
20Accel Step30 MP – Majorly increases your Evasion with some fresh hot steps
22Hangman Twist35 MP – Damages your enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes. May increase your and nearby allies’ critical chance.
24Essence of Rolling Mixer45 MP – Applies your weapon’s attributes and removes debuffs from yourself
30Essence of Breakdance Delight65 MP – Damages enemies, applies your weapon’s attributes and might just recover your party’s HP


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Cabbie Job
1Lug Launcher10 MP – Damages an enemy with a thrown lug wrench.
3Battery Shock10 MP – Can inflicts magic damage to an enemy.
6Tire Tumbler22 MP – A surprising energetic wheel toss which damages a line of enemies ahead.
7Jawbreaker20 MP – Never misses, ignores guard, and applies your weapon’s attributes.
9Scrubdown20 MP – Eschew exorbitant car wash rates while causing magic damage to an enemy and lowering their resistance to electricity.
12Fusee Doozy25 MP – Deals magic damage to an enemy a couple of trusty highway flares.
15Toolbox Toppler38 MP – Damages a line of enemies with Tomizawa’s handyman hoard.
18Battery Storm45 MP – The ultimate in assault and battery, inflicting magic damage to enemies.
20Oil and Toil30 MP – Douse an enemy with gasoline, causing magic damage and lowering their resistance to fire.
22Tire Tornado45 MP – A whirlwind wheel strike which damages a line of enemies ahead.
24Essence of Steer Clear60 MP – Damages enemies and may lower their Defense.
30Essence of Buckle Up65 MP – Dealing magic damage to enemies with a low chance of instilling fear.


1Medium Well15 MP – Flambe a line of enemies, inflicting magic damage with a high chance of leaving them burnt to a fine crisp
1Sashimi Slice15 MP – Wielding the most expertly crafted yanagi knives, damage an enemy with a high chance of making them bleed
1Flattening Pan20 MP – Extra damage to enemies with a status ailment – the more ailments, the more damage
1Peppermill Blow20 MP – High chance to leave them blinded
10Wound Opener25 MP – Greatly decreases a random stat if that enemy was bleeding, removing their bleed afterward
12Saucer Discus30 MP – Cuts through a line of enemies, raising your critical hit rate if any are knocked out by it
15Well Done30 MP – Spreads fire across a wave of enemies with a handy kitchen gadget, providing a high chance of burning them
18Cutlery Crash30 MP – Throw things around like a celebrity chef who can no longer tolerates his line cooks’ incompetence. High chance of causing bleed
20Vanquishing Pan30 MP – Deals extra damage to enemies the more status ailments they have
22Pressure Cooker Slam45 MP – May leave enemies stunned
24Essence of Human Grating45 MP – When an enemy grates you, grate him right back. Damages them with a high chance of inflicting bleed.
30Essence of Searing45 MP – Extra damage the more status ailments they have


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Desperado
1Wild Lasso15 MP – Hogtie and damage an enemy, with a chance to silence that feller up.
1Sedative Shot15 MP – Pop a tranq round into an enemy, which damages him, applies your weapon’s attributes, and may put him down for a nap.
1Standstill Stab15 MP – Damages an enemy and may paralyze ’em too.
1Firing Squad30 MP – When it’s time to duel, come out guns blazing on a line of enemies, applying your weapon’s attributes.
10Poisoned Cloudburst30 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies with a chance to leave ’em poisoned.
12Bourbon Buster25 MP – Damages a dumb bastard who walked into the wrong saloon, maybe giving ’em a cold and raising your drunkenness a bit.
15Campfire Cook20 MP – Recovers your HP and cures any abnormality what’s been ailin’ ya.
18Devil’s Twister45 MP – Damages enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes.
20Dynamite Fever45 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies and maybe burning ’em.
22Wild Sweep52 MP – Damages enemies and could leave ’em silenced.
24Essence of High Noon45 MP – Damages an enemy, with a chance of outright KOing ’em if they’re suffering an ailment.
30Essence of Raging Bull65 MP – Damages a line of enemies, leaving those what been silenced even worse for wear.

Dragon of Dojima

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Dragon of Dojima Job
3Essence of Tonfa15 MP – Deals extra damage to enemies with a status ailment.
6Essence of Kali Sticks15 MP – Damages enemies, may lower their Defense, and critically hits if the action prompt is successful.
8Essence of Dagger22 MP – Kiryu impales a line of enemies with a short-bladed dosu knife, with a high chance of making them bleed.
9Essence of the Komaki Pupil22 MP – Kiryu strikes, inflicting rage and guaranteeing a critical hit fi the action prompt is successful.
12Essence of Sweeping30 MP – A classic polearm maneuver which damages enemies and has a slight chance of lowering their Attack.
15Essence of Pistol25 MP – This skill never misses and ignores the enemy’s guard.
18Essence of Bowling40 MP – Damages enemies and raises Kiryu’s Attack if any are defeated, which can stack.
20Essence of Hammer45 MP – Kiryu damages a line of enemies with a chance to stun them.
22Essence of the Komaki Master50 MP – Komaki style technique which damages enemies, has a high chance of causing rage, and critically hits if the action prompt is successful.
24Essence of Remembrance45 MP – For some, even the greatest victories weigh eternally on their backs.
30Essence of the Dragon God90 MP – Damages all enemies. The last stand of the Dragon of Dojima.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Freelancer
1Tenacious Fist8 MP – Damages an enemy with a chance to stun.
2Rock Swing13 MP – Damages an enemy with a high chance of a critical hit.
6Hyper Swagger8 MP – Boosts Evasion and Attack.
10Drop Kick20 MP – Low accuracy but a guaranteed critical hit if it lands.
12Headbutt Barrage25 MP – Damages an enemy with a chance to stun.
18Ruffian’s Kick30 MP – Low accuracy but a guaranteed critical hit if it lands.
20Atomic Drop35 – Damages an enemy with a high chance of a critical hit.
22Release German Suplex35 MP – Damages an enemy with a chance to instantly KO.
30Essence of Roadside Weapon45 MP – Damages an enemy (changes depending on your surroundings).


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Geodancer
1Harmonious Hula10 MP – Boosts your and nearby allies’ Magic with a traditional dance.
1Kolohe Kick10 MP – Strikes an enemy with magic damage, applying your weapon’s attributes. May boost your Evasion.
1Coconut Shower15 MP – Recovers your and nearby allies’ HP, thanks to a rejuvenating sprinkle of coconut water.
1Honolulu Hips20 MP – A tropical hip drop which deals magic damage to an enemy and may lower their Willpower.
10Ukelele Strum15 MP – Boosts your and nearby allies’ Willpower and Evasion with an impromptu ukulele concert.
12Breath of Life20 MP – Revives a fallen ally with half of their HP.
15Kaholo Kick38 MP – Strikes enemies with a trio of magically damaging kicks, applying your weapon’s attributes.
18Butterfly Bounty30 MP – A fluttering dance technique which has a high chance of putting a line of enemies into a soothing sleep.
20Kumu Hula Corkscrew30 MP – Display your mastery of mesmerizing movement with this eye-catching twister that deals magic damage to an enemy, possibly lowering their Willpower.
22Blossoming Uli’uli35 MP – A twirling, captivating assault of your gourds to the enemy’s melon, inflicting magic damage and applying your weapon’s attributes.
24Essence of Natural Healing70 MP – Recovers all allies’ HP and removes status ailments with an impassioned plea to the spirits of nature.
30Essence of Tropical Tornado65 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies with a chance to lower their Willpower.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Heiress
1Palm Tree Pose10 MP – Increases Chitose’s Attack and Agility
3Grand Jete15 MP – Damages an enemy and applies your weapon’s attributes.
6Spill the Tea15 MP – Chitose recovers her and her allies’ HP.
8Epaulement20 MP – Damages an enemy and applies your weapon’s attributes.
9Catwalk Trance30 MP – Chitose’s runway walk has a high chance to charm her enemies.
12Disarming Fragrance10 MP – Lowers Attack of her enemies
15Triple Corsage25 MP – Chitose damages an enemy with a chance to lower their Attack.
18Violino Adagissimo25 MP – Chitose slows the tempo and greatly reduces the Agility of her enemies.
20Faire la Pirouette40 MP – Damages enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes.
22Aperitifs45 MP – Recovers Chitose and nearby allies’ HP and removes any debuffs.
24Essence of Puppy Playtime45 MP – Chitose unleashes 3 good dogs at an enemy, with a high chance of inflicting fear.
30Essence of Ballroom Blitz60 MP – Damages enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Hero
1Bat Breaker10 MP – Damages an enemy and applies your weapon’s attributes.
1Hero’s Wisdom10 MP – Boosts the critical hit rate of Kasuga and nearby allies.
3Grand Liner15 MP – Hits a line of enemies, applying your weapon’s attributes. Hit enemies harder the farther away they are.
4Hero’s Flair10 MP – Boosts defense of Kasuga and nearby allies.
6Hero’s Healing20 MP – Recovers HP of Kasuga and nearby allies.
8Mega Swing30 MP – Damages enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes.
12Hero’s Blessing25 MP – Revies an ally who’s been KO’d.
15Tornado Liner38 MP – Damages enemies applying your weapon’s attributes. Further the target, harder you’ll hit.
18Hero’s Encouragement15 MP – Boosts attack of Kasuga and nearby allies.
20Giga Swing45 MP – Damages enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes.
22Hero’s GutsMP 45 – Automatically revies Kasuga once if KO’d.
24Essence of Buster GeyserMP 60 – Damages enemies with an earth-shattering slam and applies your weapon’s attributes.
30Essence of Full SwingMP 65 – Damages enemies and applies your weapons attributes. The lower Kasuga’s HP, the higher the damage.

Homeless Guy

1Pyro Belch12 MP – Causes magic damage to enemies
2Pitiful Look5 MP – Chance to obtain an item from an enemy
5Pigeon Raid30 MP – Call upon your avian allies to inflict magic damage to enemies and apply the attributes of your equipped weapon.
6Gnarly Breath8 MP – Decreases the Defense of nearby enemies using what seems to be Nanba’s natural halitosis
10Stashed Bottle30 MP – Recovers HP for Nanba and nearby allies, also increasing their drunkenness
12Sizzling Spitter30 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies with a chance of causing burn. Use L thumb stick to control the direction of Nanba’s fiery breath
15Malodorous Stench15 MP – Decreases the Attack and Defense of nearby enemies as the rest of the party does their best to stay downwind
18Pigeon Storm45 MP – Summon a horde of feathered friends to inflict magic damage to enemies and apply the attributes of your equipped weapon
20Power Slumber30 MP – Catch a resilient catnap that fully recovers Nanba’s HP and removes any damaging status ailments
22Umbrella Barrier8 MP – Greatly boosts Nanba’s Defense and Willpower using the sanctuary of his coveted umbrella
24Essence of Pyro Prison60 MP – Inflicts magic damage to enemies and can burn those who survive
30Essence of Big-Ass Bird65 MP – Launch the ultimate in winged warriors at Nanba’s enemies, causing magic damage and applying the attributes of your equipped weapon


1Sparkling Splash10 MP – Deals magic damage to an enemy by spraying them with a frosty sparkling wine, with a chance for them to catch a cold
1Hyper Shout10 MP – Boosts your and nearby allies’ Attack with a festive cheer
1Golden Finger10 MP – Entice an enemy with an extravagant night out, possibly relieving them of some cash
1Birthday Bash20 MP – Celebrate an enemy’s birthday in style, dealing magic damage with a chance to lower their Attack
10Coercive Shout10 MP – Boosts your and nearby allies’ Magic, imploring them to keep the party going
12Platinum Finger10 MP – Entice an enemy with the night of their life, possibly hoisting an item from them
15Birthday Bonanza25 MP – Deals magic damage with a chance to lower their Magic
18Rose Stinger30 MP – Deals magic damage and possibly leaves enemies charmed and burnt
20Ice Spreader45 MP – Deals magic damage with a chance for them to catch a cold
22Wonder Cocktail20 MP – Doubles the damage of your next magic skill and gets you a bit drunk
24Essence of Rose Typhoon65 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies with a chance of charm and burn
30Essence of Champagne Wave65 MP – Unload the top shelf onto a line of enemies, damaging them with a chance of survivors catching a cold


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Housekeeper
1Power Wash10 MP – Get all that grime off an enemy, dealing magic damage to him in the process!
1Iron Maiden10 MP – Dual wield appliances like a pro, causing magic damage to an enemy with a chance of burning him!
1Leave No Streaks15 MP – Mop down the path to an enemy, doing magic damage to him and any of his friends along the way! Applies your weapon’s attributes!
1Bubble Breach30 MP – Gather up a tornado of bubbling cleanser, inflicting magic damage on any enemies nearby!
10Money Sucker20 MP – Vacuum up cash from enemies! Aim with L thumb stick!
12Clean Sweep20 MP – Deal magic damage to an enemy as you leave not a speck of dust! The cleanliness might blind them!
15Scum Scraper25 MP – Using breakthrough technology in heavy duty sponging, hits an enemy with magic damage and removes any buffs!
18Iron Matriarch40 MP – Dual wield appliances like a domestic goddess, causing magic damage to enemies with a small chance of burning them!
20Scouring Sweep45 MP – Race your mop down the path to an enemy, doing magic damage to him and any of his friends along the way! Applies your weapon’s attributes!
22Bubble Bale45 MP – Gather up a veritable hurricane of bubbling cleanser, inflicting magic damage on any enemies nearby!
24Essence of Suction spiral45 MP – The latest and greatest in vacuums! Hits an enemy with magic damage and removes their buffs!
30Essence of Clean-Up Chasm60 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies with patented Housekeeper Helper bots! Taking out the trash is easier than ever!


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Kunoichi
1Winged Kunai10 MP – Damages an enemy and may increase your Agility. The number of hits rises with a successful action prompt.
1Flicker of Light15 MP – Damages an enemy with blade strikes nearly too fast for the human eye. Applies your weapon’s attributes.
1Thousand Stings Jutsu20 MP – Unleashes a hornet swarm, inflicting magic damage to enemies, with a chance to paralyze them.
1Deluge of Stars25 MP – Damages enemies with a seemingly endless barrage of shuriken, which may boost your Agility.
10Illusory Slash20 MP – Damages enemies at random, applying your weapon’s attributes. The number of hits rises depending on your current Agility buff.
12Substitution Jutsu25 MP – Vanish in a gust of smoke, yielding your turn to an ally.
15Scattering of Flowers30 MP – Inflicts magic damage to enemies with an array of hellish fireworks, which may boost your Agility.
18Moth Scales Jutsu35 MP – Unleashes a moth flock, inflicting magic damage to a line of enemies, with a chance of putting them to sleep.
20Throatslitter30 MP – Ruthlessly damages an enemy, applying your weapon’s attributes. If this KOs your target, it boosts your Agility.
22Shadow Clone Jutsu35 MP – Damages enemies at random, applying your weapon’s attributes. The number of hits rises depending on your current Agility buff, which decreases afterward.
24Essence of Hell Hive65 MP – Conjure an entire insect army, inflicting magic damage to a line of enemies, with a chance to poison or paralyze them.
30Essence of Sexy Jutsu45 MP – Damages an enemy with this deceptive substitution technique, possibly leaving them charmed.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Linebacker
1Pancaker15 MP – Knock your enemies flat on their asses, damaging them and applying your weapon’s attributes.
1Flagrant Headbutt18 MP – Launch yourself at an enemy, damaging him with a chance to make all enemies rage.
1Pistol Formation20 MP – An explosive forward pass which damages enemies.
1Cooler Shower20 MP – Hydrate yourself, recovering HP and boosting your Defense.
10Illegal Spearing25 MP – Helmet-first tackle that damages a line of enemies and applies your weapon’s attributes.
12Conversion Attempt25 MP – A crack touchdown kick which damages an enemy and may ricochet to others nearby.
15Quarterback Sack30 MP – Tackle your enemies and charge right through, possibly making them rage.
18Hail Mary Bomb35 MP – Launch the ball sky-high, letting it come back down next turn, doing magic damage to a range of enemies.
20Hut! Hut! Hike!35 MP – Take reduced damage for a few turns, with a chance to make enemies rage. The more you’re attacked, the more damage you’ll do next turn.
22Tilt-a-Whirl Tackle45 MP – Carry an enemy overhead, damaging them and applying your weapon’s attributes. Use L thumbstick to control your direction.
24Essence of Showboating60 MP – Invite the cheer squad onto the field to damage enemies, boosting all allies’ Defense.
30Essence of Endzone65 MP – Kick a devastating field goal then plow down the gridiron, dealing more damage to enemies afflicted with rage.

Night Queen

1Tough Love15 MP – Shower an enemy with damage with a high chance of charming
1Heel Stomp20 MP – Damages an enemy by stomping. High chance to critically hit.
1Candle Rush20 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies with a barrage of melting wicks and wax that may leave them with a burn or fearful
1Somersault Leg22 MP – Damages an enemy with a forceful kick and a chance to charm them
12Whip Service25 MP – Damages an enemy with a remorseless whip strike that applies your weapon’s attributes
15Luscious Guillotine28 MP – Damages an enemy with a dommy neck choke. If this KOs your target, it boosts your Attack as well
20Vital Vibration30 MP – Damages an enemy with legwork that aims at the vitals. May lower their Defense.
22Spinning Queen50 MP – Damages enemies with a pole-dancing spin kick that may leave them charmed
24Essence of Titillating Claws45 MP – Fully recovers an ally’s HP and boosts their Attack
30Essence of Extreme Bondage45 MP – Damages an enemy and may instantly KO them


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Pyrodancer
1Fire Spinning10 MP – Damages an enemy with a jaw-dropping display of dance.
1Ancient Panacea10 MP – Removes your or an ally’s status ailments with an herbal remedy that also raises ailment resistance.
1Bewitching Haze15 MP – Deals magic damage to enemies, with a high chance of blinding those caught in the fog.
1Soul Capture20 MP – Damages an enemy and absorbs their HP, applying your weapon’s attributes.
10Mask of Fertility20 MP – Bestows long livelihood on the party by granting them HP recovery over time.
12Fire Breaking30 MP – Damages enemies in a torrent of flames.
15Heart Drum10 MP – Boosts your and nearby allies’ Defense, with a rousing percussive beat.
18Mask of Punishment40 MP – Beseech the gods to strike a random enemy with magic damage at the start of your turns for a few turns.
20Soul Predation40 MP – Damages enemies, absorbing their HP and applying your weapon’s attributes.
22War Cry40 MP – Boosts your or an ally’s Attack to a harrowing degree, preparing for the great battles to come.
24Essence of Gaia’s Wrath60 MP – The lower your current HP, the more damage you inflict.
30Essence of Masked Medium45 MP – Channel the spirits to damage an enemy. The higher your current HP, the more damage you inflict – but this dark technique damages you as well.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Samurai
1Shadow Slash10 MP – Damages an enemy, greatly if they’re bleeding. Applies your weapon’s attributes.
1Dreaming Arrow15 MP – Damages an enemy, greatly if the action prompt is successful.
1Wind of Iaido22 MP – Damages a line of enemies. May inflict bleed. Applies your weapon’s attributes.
1Burning Arrow20 MP – Damages enemies, greatly if the action prompt is successful.
10Shadow Cleave20 MP – Damages an enemy, greatly if they’re bleeding. Applies your weapon’s attributes.
12Glory Awaits20 MP – Increases your and nearby allies’ Attack and critical chance.
15Pine, Bamboo, Plum30 MP – Damages enemies, applying your weapon’s attributes. May inflict bleed. Critical if the action prompt is successful.
18Cyclone of Iaido45 MP – Damages a wave of enemies. May inflict bleed. Applies your weapon’s attributes.
20Raining Arrow30 MP – Damages random enemies. Slight chance to lower their Attack.
22Shadow Dance35 MP – Damages an enemy, greatly if they’re bleeding. Applies your weapon’s attributes.
24Essence of Sengoku60 MP – Damages enemies. Greatly increases your critical chance.
30Essence of Mind’s Eye60 MP – Damages enemies. May inflict bleed. Applies your weapon’s attributes.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Sujimancer
1Spicy Breath20 MP – Sujimon inflicts fire damage.
3Natural High20 MP – Sujimon grants an ally HP recovery over time.
6Frosty Breath20 MP – Sujimon inflicts frost damage.
8Suji Snooze15 MP – Sujimon tries to put enemies to sleep.
10Zesty Breath20 MP – Sujimon inflicts electric damage.
12Spice Strike35 MP – Sujimon inflicts fire damage
15Healing Soil25 MP – Sujimon grants nearby ally HP recovery
18Frosty Foray35 MP – Sujimon inflicts frost damage to a line of enemies.
20Poison Breath35 MP – Sujimon inflicts poison damage trying to poison enemies.
22Zesty Burst35 MP – Sujimon inflicts electric damage to a line of enemies.
24Essence of Sujimon Supremacy80 MP – Gathers energy to launch a Sujibomb!
30Essence of Sujimon Second Wind60 MP – Revive any and all fallen allies with half their HP.

Tennis Ace

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Jobs Tennis Ace
1Spirited Serve10 MP – Damages an enemy with an ace serve to get the game underway.
1Lover’s Lob20 MP – Send an enemy a love letter courtesy of your tennis ball, with a high chance to charm them and lower their Defense.
1Thunder Slice22 MP – Damages a line of enemies with an electric shot.
1Speedy Super Serve20 MP – Get an enemy into the game! Never misses, ignores guard, and applies your weapon’s attributes.
10Noisy Racket15 MP – Decreases the Attack and Magic of enemies with some shredding air guitar.
12Wicked Wall Drills25 MP – Practice your serves on an enemy. Never misses and ignores guard.
15Frenzied Forehand35 MP – Damages enemies with a whirlwind of rackets.
18Rapid-Fire Rally30 MP – Damages an enemy and applies your weapon’s attributes with a deadly series of slices and top-spins.
20Court Maintenance45 MP – Damages an enemy and any others in the way, removing their buffs. It’s everyone’s responsibility to keep the field clean!
22Grand Slam50 MP – A non-regulation racket shot, which damages enemies. Never misses and ignores the enemy’s guard.
24Essence of Hurricane Smash60 MP – Damages enemies with an all-star showing from a true ace.
30Essence of Doubles Trouble45 MP – Who needs a doubles partner when you can fill a whole stadium?

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Aloha Links Rewards

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Aloha Links Rewards! Here you’ll find the rewards for befriending the occupants of Hawaii! After you’ve made a friend or two, return to Revolve in Little Japan and speak with Kei. She’ll give you your first reward for finding some friends! Afterwards, leave the bar and keep making friends. When you’ve gotten 15, you’ll receive a text from Kei saying that you should chat with her at Revolve. Make your way there to receive your second reward! Rinse and repeat until you get all the rewards!

  • Fighter’s Binding
  • 15 = Fighter’s Belt
  • Punk Choker
  • 50 = Ephemeral Longsword
  • 100 = Dragon Boots

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Litterbugged Substory Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Litterbugged substory guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the substory and what you’ll need to do in order to complete it.

How to Start Litterbugged

Location: Honolulu / Anaconda behind the Sunset St. Trolley Stop on Anaconda Blvd

Approach the pair standing behind the Sunset St. Trolley Stop to start a cutscene where an old friend of Kasuga’s will show up.


Professor Okita will then ask Kasuga for $3000 to buy some fancy chips for his AI friend. When you have the money, speak with the Professor and invest it with him. He’ll be super pumped then run off!

Go to the Debut

After some time passes, Professor Okita will send Lord Shrub a message saying that the update to Sojimaru is complete also inviting you to its debut! Make your way down to Harbor Park which is southwest of Anaconda Shopping Center to find the Professor. Approach him to start a cutscene where he’ll show off Sojimaru. He’ll then ask Ichi for another favor. He’ll show you an item and you’ll have to tell him if its trash or not. This is so the AI can learn the difference between the two. You’ll have 3 seconds per item to make the call. Here is the correct calls: trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, not trash, not trash, trash, trash, not trash.

Stop Sojimaru

Once you’ve completed the assessment, you’ll need to wait for some time to pass for the AI to processing everything. Check back later then speak with the Professor. He’ll show you the new update to Sojimaru which of course goes off of the rails leading to a rematch with our favorite cleaning device who also happens to be level 27. It will attack you using fire, water and superior suction power! Its Right Dispenser is weak to electric based attacks while the left is weak to water. Sojimaru herself has a weakness to fire so use those types of attacks to take down the malfunctioning AI vacuum. Once Sojimaru is defeated, a cutscene will trigger leading to the completion of the subquest.

Rewards: Animal Bone Necklace accessory that increased job exp for the Pyrodance job

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Substory Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Substory Guide! Here you’ll find out how to obtain and complete this substory!

How to Start Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Substory

In order to start this substory, you’ll need to reach the Anaconda Shopping Center by progressing the story in Chapter 4. Once you’ve done that, head to the 2nd floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center then proceed to the center of the area. Locate the men wearing blue tights and approach them to kick off an event leading to the substory. As the situation escalates, Ichi is invited to participate! To get started, choose the “I’m ready!” option when prompted.

Anaconda Escape Substory Instructions

Onishi will go over the details telling Kasuga that his task is to escape the escape room with in 6 minutes. He’ll have to locate laptops and containers spread throughout the mall. Laptops will give him quizzes to solve while containers require keys or passwords to open. The more he completes, the better the prize at the end. Onishi also mentions that the quizzes are all based on trivia about the mall and that enemies will be everywhere.


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape How to Easily Complete Substory

Step 1

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Step 1

When you start, there will be a computer to your right. Head over there and interact with it to get the first quiz: True or False? Treasure Select Pawn is located on the 2nd floor of the Anaconda Shopping Center. Select True as the answer for which you’ll be rewarded 1 point.

Step 2

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Step 2

Next head west down the hall to reach the middle area with the giant flamingos. Here you’ll want to go left (north) to find the computer with the next quiz: What kind of establishment is Thorstone? Select “A hat shop” to receive the code from the red container: 8931.

Step 3

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Step 3

Now head to the southern part of this area past the stage to find the red container. Use the code to open it and you’ll receive 3 points and some freshly distilled water.

Step 4

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Step 4

For the last stretch, continue heading east towards the third section of the 2nd floor. The path along the way will have 4 sets of pillars in the middle. You’ll want to go to between column 2 and column 3 to find a blue key on the ground. Grab it!

Step 5

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Anaconda Escape Step 5

Continue heading west to reach the area with the escalator. Across from the escalator on the right side of the room you’ll find the blue container. Head over to it and use the key to open it. You’ll receive 2 points and a Freshly Chopped Poke.

Final Step

Now all you have to do is head down the escalator to complete the escape room! Once you do a cutscene will trigger leading to the completion of the substory.


If you complete the challenge, you’ll receive Silver Plate x2 and a Safe Key! If you run out of time, the challenge will end and the subquest will still complete. You’ll be rewarded with a single Silver Plate.

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Ounabara Vocational School Exams

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Ounabara Vocational School Exams! In this guide, we’ll go over how to start the Playing with Fire substory, which will kick off the exams, along with the questions and answers to the proficiency exams!

Playing with Fire Substory

Location: Honolulu / Harbor Park at the Ounabara Vocational School along Harbor St.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Ounabara Vocational School Exams Playing with Fire Substory

When you reach the location, approach the crowd gathered around the fire dancers to trigger a cutscene which leads to you unlocking the vocational school exams. After regaining control of Kasuga, speak with Maeda behind the counter to take your trial exam. By default, the Hawaii Proficiency Tier 2 is unlocked for you to take. Once you complete the exam, another cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the substory.

Hawaii Proficiency Tier 2 Exam

Exam Fee: $0

Personality Growth: Passion +30 / Charisma +30

Below are the questions and answers to the Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Ounabara Vocational School Hawaii Proficiency Tier 2 Exam! Please note that the questions you’ll be given are from a random pool. Once you’ve received your question, you’ll need to answer it before the time runs out! You’ll pass this exam if 3 of the 5 answers are correct.

Ahi poke is a popular dish in Hawaii. Poke means “slice”, but what does ahi mean?Pacific bluefin tuna
The ukulele is a suitable instrument for playing cheerful Hawaiian music. What does its name mean?Jumping flea
The white flower shown in the image is often seen in Hawaii and used in hair ornaments and lei. What is its name?Plumeria
Up until the first half of the 20th century, what plant was cultivated all over Hawaii in large fields, such as the one shown here, and used to brew a type of Hawaiian alcohol?Sugarcane
What is the Hawaiian gesture that involves raising both the thumb and pinky called?Shaka sign
What famous Hawaiian confection is a fried doughnut coated in sugar?Malasada
Which of the following images is of a lei, a decorative object known to have many variations and is often seen in Hawaii?Picture of a flower necklace
Which of the following pictures is of the Hawaiian dish, kalua pig?Picture with brown meat on left, green veggies on right and rice on bottom
Which of the following statements is true about Waikiki Beach as of 2024?It was man-made
Which of the following volcanoes and famous tourist spots is named Le’ahi in Hawaiian?Diamond Head
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Ounabara Vocational School Exams Passing Grade

More Exams

If you’d like to take more exams, check out our guide here for the answers to all the questions! Taking all the exams will lead to the 47. Certifiable Lover substory!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Somewhere Over the Rainbow Trophy Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide on how to obtain the Somewhere Over the Rainbow trophy in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth! For this trophy, you’ll need to photograph a rainbow in the skies of Hawaii. To accomplish this task, wait for it to rain in game then look up in the sky when it stops to spot a rainbow.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Over the Rainbow Trophy

If you’re playing on Playstation, press up on the d-pad to bring up the camera then press x to take the picture of the rainbow. Congratulations, you’ll then earn the Somewhere Over the Rainbow trophy!

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