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Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Collectibles guide! Here we’ll list all of the collectibles in Chapter 2 along with where you can find them! For this chapter, there are 20 treasure chests, 4 slimes and 7 wee pincers.

Airship Collectibles

Archive: Ferry Service Pamphlet

This archive can be found on the stack of crates behind the steering wheel.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Archive Collectible

Treasure Chest 1

When you reach the Hallowed Ground (green crystal), head left along the cliffside to reach this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure Chest

Wee Pincer 1

Across from the Hallowed Ground on the left side of the entrance to the cave, you’ll spot this crab resting on stone.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Wee Pincer

The Hills Collectibles

Wee Pincer 2

As soon as you exit the cave and enter The Hills, hug the left side to find some wooden boards where you’ll find the Wee Pincer.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Wee Pincer

Treasure Chest 2

After saving the Islanders at the first settlement (settlement = two buildings), follow the path along the cliff behind the tallest building with a weather vane on top to find the chest at the end.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Collectibles Treasure Chest 2

Wee Pincer 3

Just after the first settlement, enter the cave and hug the right side. You’ll find this wee pincer in the gap between the fences.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Walkthrough Wee Pincer

Treasure Chest 3

From the broken fence look left to find the next chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Guide Treasure chest

Treasure Chest 4

From the above chest head across to the other side by the hanging lantern. Drop under the wooden platform to the wooden walkway below where you’ll find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest 5

Exit the cave, passing the second Hallowed Ground to find a chest in front of the building on the left.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure Chest

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 6

Just before the wooden bridge leading to the windmill settlement on the left side of The Hills, you’ll find a couple of goblins riding on creatures. In the broken ruins of the house, you’ll find a shrouded treasure chest. This chest requires a bit of work to open. You’ll need to collect all the purple crystals before time runs out to unlock the chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Shrouded Treasure Chest

Slime 1

In a pot behind the archways to the left of the bridge leading to the windmill settlement.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Slimes

Treasure Chest 7

In the ruined structure where you went to collect the purple crystals for the above shrouded chest, you’ll find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Chest

Treasure Chest 8

Continue up the ruined structure towards the airship to find the next chest on a grassy outlook.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Chest

Slime 2

Head back down the ruined structure and skirt along the base of this structure closest to the bridge leading to the windmill settlement to find some pots. Break them to find the slime, which you’ll need to defeat!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Slime

Treasure Chest 9

Head across the bridge and drop down to the right side to find this treasure chest on the side of the cliff.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest 10

This chest can be found atop a burning building in the windmill settlement.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Chest

Wee Pincer 4

This crab can be found in a dirt area near where the villagers were being held.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Wee Pincers

Archive: Rules for Using the Windmill

Located at the base of a structure with a windmill.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Archive

Omen Stone / Treasure Chest 11

This collectible can be found on the cliff next to a windmill on fire. Interacting with it will cause a fight against a bunch of Level 12 Crazed Crows. If you defeat all the enemies within the time limit, a Level 16 Wyvern Lord will appear. Thankfully, you don’t have a time limit to beat this guy! If you’re able to beat them all, a golden chest will spawn where the Omen Stone was!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Omen Stone Treasure chest

Slime 3

When facing the above omen stone, head to the closest building to your left. On the backside, you’ll find some breakable pots where the slime hides!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Slime

Wee Pincer 5

This Wee Pincer can be found on a stone between the windmill settlement and the waterfront settlement near a bridge.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Wee Pincer

treasure Chest 12

This chest can be found in a ruin across from the bridge leading to the waterfront settlement.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure chest

Treasure Chest 13

This chest can be found on a wooden platform overlooking the waterfront settlement near the Hallowed Ground. To reach it, you’ll need to head through the waterfront settlement and backtrack to the area with the Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Chest

(Shrouded) Treasure Chest 14

This shrouded treasure chest can be found in the middle of the waterfront village along the wooden walkway.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Shrouded chest

Treasure Chest 15

This chest can be found underneath the waterfall in the waterfront settlement.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure chest

Treasure chest 16

This chest can be found on top of the buildings in the waterfront settlement near where the purple crystals ended for the above shrouded chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Chests

Slime 4

This slime can be found in the pots next to the above chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Slimes

Archive: Fisherman’s Log

This archive can be found along the base of the houses along the wooden walkway in the waterfront settlement.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Archives

Treasure Chest 17

After exiting the waterfront village and heading to rescue the pursued islanders, hug the left side to find this chest.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest 18

After saving the pursued islanders from the goblins, you can find this chest to the right of the gate.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Chest

Omen Stone / Treasure Chest 19

This omen stone can be found in the same area as the above chest. It will be along the cliff. Interact with the stone to begin a fight. After taking out all the enemies, a golden chest will spawn.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Omen Stone Treasure chest

Zeghard Fortress Collectibles

Wee Pincer 6

This crab can be found behind a wagon stuck with arrows on the left side near the start of the area before the Hallowed Ground.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Wee Pincer

Treasure Chest 20

This chest can be found on the right side before jumping down into the coliseum.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Treasure chest

Wee Pincer 7

Head across to the other side to find the crab lurking in the shade! Afterwards, you can drop down to proceed with the boss fight!

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 2 Wee Pincer

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Joongi’s Drink Links Bonding Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Joongi’s Drink Links Guide! Here we’ll cover Joongi’s Drink Links or Heart-to-Hearts for each bond level detailing the Personality Chances in each one along with which stats increase for each dialog option.

Personality Chance 1

  • Why not get real chummy again? – Charisma
  • C’mon, don’t be a stranger. We’re allies. – Passion
  • I missed you, but I appreciate what you did. – Confidence

Personality Chance 2

  • If you just wanna kick back, Hawaii’s perfect for that. – Charisma
  • Guess you’ve been having a rough time, too. Drink up! – Passion
  • What would you do if I ratted you out to Seonhee? – Confidence

Personality Chance 1

  • Well, don’t let up! Things are about to get serious. – Passion
  • I’m always in trouble, so you’re welcome to join me! – Style
  • Really appreciate you being here. You’re a huge help. – Kindness

Personality Chance 2

  • I’m glad Seonhee’s there. – Intellect
  • Don’t tell me you’re mad at her? – Style
  • Why’s Seonhee so nice to Kiryu-san? – Kindness

Personality Chance 1

  • This isn’t exactly the same as hiding. – Intellect
  • It’s just something I need to resolve on my own. – Style
  • Then you think you could give me some advice? – Kindness

Personality Chance 2

  • Yeah, please! That’s just what I need! – Passion
  • You sure it’s okay to help me out with this? – Style
  • Thanks. I appreciate the thought. – Kindness

Personality Chance 1

  • But you’re training her ’cause she’s got promise, right? – Intellect
  • Don’t underestimate young blood. They catch on quick. – Style
  • It’s great they have a lot of room to grow! – Passion

Personality Chance 2

  • You’re more considerate than I thought. – Kindness
  • I sure hope Yeona will understand. – Style
  • That’s just an excuse to come to Hawaii, right? – Confidence

After the cutscene, a fight will ensue with 4 Level 44 Pick-Up Artists! After you take them out Joongi’s bond will max out!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Zhao’s Drink Links Bonding Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Zhao’s Drink Links Guide! Here we’ll cover Zhao’s Drink Links or Heart-to-Hearts for each bond level detailing the Awakening Chances in each one along with which stats increase for each dialog option.

Awakening Chance 1

  • I’m impressed you’re so honest about it. – Soul
  • Guess that was a stupid question. – Body
  • I’m jealous. All I have are regrets. – Tech

Awakening Chance 2

  • I’ll go, but it’s on the house, right? – Body
  • I’ll pass. What if your food’s actually bad? – Tech
  • Must be nice, doing what you love. – Soul

Awakening Chance 1

  • Why not just leave it be? – Soul
  • I wonder who they really are. – Tech
  • You sure they’re in the wrong? – Body

Awakening Chance 2

  • Yeah, seems likely to me. – Soul
  • I think I need more evidence. – Body
  • Maybe ask Geomijul to look into it? – Tech

Awakening Chance 1

  • Let’s wait and see what happens. – Tech
  • Maybe you should try to stop them? – Body
  • Seems like you’re a popular guy. – Soul

Awakening Chance 2

  • Doesn’t look like anything’s getting to you. – Tech
  • I’ll lend you an ear if you want to talk. – Soul
  • No wonder I like drinking with you. – Body

Awakening Chance 1

  • I thought cooking was important to you. – Body
  • You’re quick to take a stand. I’m impressed. – Soul
  • I guess you have to go to extremes to stop them. – Tech

Awakening Chance 2

  • Why not warn the blogger? – Body
  • Let’s find him and guard him. – Tech
  • Ignorance is bliss. – Soul

After a cutscene, a battle will ensue with a group of 4 Level 40 enemies! Take them all out to max out Zhao’s bond!

For more Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Love and Punishment Substory

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our walkthrough for the 35 Love and Punishment substory in Like a Dragon Infinite!

How to Start Love and Punishment

Location: Honolulu / Cultural District in the alley at the north end of Night St on the west side past Cigars in Heaven

When you reach the alley, speak with the Blonde Woman in the alley to start the substory. When prompted select “I’ll stay with you” to trigger a cutscene where the girl will introduce herself as Emmy after dragging Kasuga to bar. During their conversation, she’ll ask him what he thinks of her giving you a chance to raise a personality stat. You can see the choices and which stat increased from which one below.

Personality Check

  • You need company. – Passion
  • You’re a cute little kitty… – Style
  • I barley know you. – Charisma

The rest of the options during this cutscene don’t matter so feel free to choose what you want!

Love and Punishment Part 1

After you regain control of Ichi, another cutscene will trigger where he wakes up with all a lighter wallet. Kasuga will then meet Zack and together they’ll work on finding the girl. When it concludes, make your way to the southern part of Pearl Ave (southwest of your current position) just outside of Bullet Hell. Look for the alley on the left of the store to find Marian then approach her to trigger a cutscene. Follow after her down the alley then speak with her. During the conversation, a guy wonders out asking about Sophia who you’ll have to fight. Take down the level 25 Sophia Defender (you’ll deal extra damage with gun damage) to have a conversation with Marian to learn more about her motives.

Love and Punishment Part 2

After some time passes (for us it was during the day in Chapter 7), approach Kyle and Zack in Anaconda Harbor Park to trigger a cutscene. Afterwards, check in on Marian by Bullet Hell. As you approach the alley a cutscene will trigger followed by a fight against a Level 25 Corrupt Cop. Take him out to trigger another cutscene leading to the conclusion of this substory.

Love and Punishment Rewards

  • Fancy Free Magazine x5
  • Platinum Plate

More Help With Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Miracle Mushrooms Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Miracle Mushrooms Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Miracle Mushrooms side quest!

How to Start Miracle Mushrooms Side Quest

To begin the Miracle Mushrooms side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Famed Apothecary behind the large stone cathedral like building in Folca.


  • Whorlshroom x3

You can find Whorlshrooms in the forest located just before this town of Folca.

Rewards for Completing Miracle Mushrooms

  • EXP x45
  • MSP x5
  • Health I
  • Fortitude Shard x3

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Annoying Neighbors Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Annoying Neighbors Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Annoying Neighbors side quest!

How to Start Annoying Neighbors Side Quest

To begin Annoying Neighbors side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Forlorn Peddler to the right of the blacksmith in Folca.


  • Defeat Goblin Stormer x3

Head to the Quest Counter in town then select the “Bash the Goblin Hordes” quest. You’ll then be able to defeat plenty of goblins for this side quest! Once you’ve defeated 3, return to the Forlorn Peddler to complete the Annoying Neighbors side quest!

Rewards for Completing Annoying Neighbors

  • EXP x45
  • MSP x5
  • Attack Power I
  • Fortitude Shard x3

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Save the Crustaceans Side Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Save the Crustaceans Side Quest walkthrough! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Save the Crustaceans side quest!

How to Start Save the Crustaceans

To begin Save the Crustaceans side quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink, speak with the Lil Pince behind the smithery in front of the pond.


  • Wee Pincer x1

You should have found your first Wee Pincer in the previous area called Sundappled Grove. If not, check out our guide here for its location!

Rewards for Completing Save the Crustaceans

  • Crabby Resonance

More Save the Crustaceans Parts

When you turn in the first Save the Crustaceans side quest, you’ll automatically receive another to collect more Wee Pincers. Check out our guides for the collectibles found during each chapter here! In the table below, you’ll find what the rewards are for gathering a certain amount of wee pincers.

Wee Pincers SavedReward
3Rafale Coin x10
5Fortitude Shard x10
7Stun Power I
9Fortitude Crystal (S) x2
12Prism Chip x5
15Fortitude Crystal (S) x5
18Standard Refinium x1
21Critical Damage III
25Fortitude Crystal (M) x1
29Garrison III
33Fortitude Crystal (M) x1
37Copper Spellbook x1

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Collectibles

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Collectibles guide! Here we’ll list all of the collectibles in Chapter 1 along with where you can find them! For this chapter, there are 6 treasure chests and 1 wee pincer. There are more chests in the towns, however, they don’t count toward Treasure Hunter trophy. Also, keep in mind that for the Unlocked and Unloaded trophy, you’ll need to open the locked chests, which can be found in towns.

Sundappled Grove Collectibles

Treasure Chest 1

Granblue Fantasy Relink Treasure Chest

When you gain control of the Captain in the Sundappled Grove, hug the leftmost wall facing the way forward to find a side path leading to the chest.

Wee Pincer 1

Granblue Fantasy Relink Wee Pincer

Starting from where you gained control of the Captain in the Sundappled Grove, head up the hill then look to the right so see some stone steps bewtween two trees. Jump up to the top step to find the Wee Pincer.

Treasure Chest 2

Granblue Fantasy Relink Treasure Chest

As you progress through the forest (just before the Ivy), Vyrn will make a comment about the others. If you look on the right side of the area, there will be a side path leading to a ledge overlooking the forest. The chest is on that ledge.

Tresure Chest 3

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Treasure Chest

From the previous chest, look straight ahead to spot the next chest on the left next to the base of a tree.

Archives: Traveler’s Journal

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Archives

After reuniting with Lyria, the Traveler’s Journal can be found on the ground along the main path. If will be a purple orb you can pick up.

Tresure Chest 4

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Treasure Chest Location

Just past the above archive on the left.

Treasure Chest 5

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Treasure Chest Location

After defeating the group of monsters made up of Timber Wolves and Hornbirds, look to the left of the way forward to find a side path leading to the chest.

Tresure Chest 6

Granblue Fantasy Relink Treasure Chest Chapter 1

After cutting the vines with a giant rock tangled in them, you’ll find yourself walking along a branch bridge. Take the path on the left to find the chest at the end.

Folca Collectibles

In the cities and towns, the non locked chests can randomly spawn so they might be in a different location for you!

Archive: Message from the Defense Corps

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Folca Archive

Once you gain control of the Captain in Folca, turn to the right to spot the archive on the stone archway.

Archive: Fishing Tournament Flyer

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Archive

You can find this archive behind the smithery next to the children playing in the pond.

Treasure Chest 1

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Folca Treasure Chest

Follow the left side of the pond until you head between two trees. Once you reach these trees, take the left path and follow it up a hill to reach the chest at the top.

Locked Treasure Chest 1

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Folca Silver Chest

This silver chest can be found by Rosetta.

Archive: Need a Handyman?

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Folca Archive

This archive can be found across from the entrance of the white cathedral like building.

Treasure Chest 2

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Folca Treasure Chest

When facing the white cathedral like building, take a right and follow the path underneath the archway to find this chest next to a watermill.

Locked Treasure Chest 2

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Folca Treasure Chests

Facing the Knickknack Shack head down the path to the right, passing Io. It will be straight ahead at the end.

Treasure Chest 3

Granblue Fantasy Relink Chapter 1 Folca Treasure Chest

From Knickknack Shack, head left and hug the building to find this chest on the left behind Knickknack Shack.

For more Granblue Fantasy Relink guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Adachi’s Drink Links Bonding Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Adachi’s Drink Links Guide! Here we’ll cover Adachi’s Drink Links or Heart-to-Hearts for each bond level detailing the Personality Chances in each one along with which stats increase for each dialog option.

Personality Chance 1

  • How ’bout Kiryu-san’s style? – Confidence
  • Go for the same ‘do I’ve got! – Passion
  • I like you just the way you are now. – Style

Personality Chance 2

  • Guess with age comes wisdom. – Confidence
  • Isn’t it too early for you to give up? – Passion
  • I’ll lend you a hand when the time comes. – Style

Personality Chance 1

  • I knew it! – Charisma
  • Were you guys together? – Confidence
  • Is it hard to talk about her? – Intellect

Personality Chance 2

  • All right, I’ll help you look for her shop! – Charisma
  • It’d be real awkward if she actually did forget you. – Confidence
  • It’s definitely gonna be an emotional reunion. – Intellect

Personality Chance 1

  • Maybe you’re just having some bad luck? – Kindness
  • She might be in some kinda secret dungeon. – Charisma
  • Sometimes you end up finding things after you forget. – Confidence

Personality Chance 2

  • It’s no one’s fault. The police aren’t all-powerful. – Kindness
  • You weren’t held responsible for that incident, were you? – Confidence
  • What exactly did Akiko-san tell you? – Intellect

Personality Chance 1

  • But did she remember you? – Kindness
  • That’s great news. Akiko-san’s successful. – Charisma
  • Seems like the reunion didn’t go so smoothly. – Confidence

Personality Chance 2

  • The best thing to do is warn Akiko-san first. – Kindness
  • Let’s catch the robbers, you and me! – Charisma
  • Isn’t it worth a shot to contact the police? – Confidence

After the cutscene, a battle will ensue with 3 Level 32 enemies. Afterwards, Adachi’s bond will max out!

For more Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Saeko’s Drink Links Bonding Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Saeko’s Drink Links Guide! Here we’ll cover Saeko’s Drink Links or Heart-to-Hearts for each bond level detailing the Awakening Chances in each one along with which stats increase for each dialog option.

Awakening Chance 1

  • You can use my real name around friends. – Tech
  • Call me Kazuma, if you want. – Body
  • Sorry for giving you trouble. – Soul

Awakening Chance 2

  • If you’ve got something to say, I’ll hear you out. – Body
  • Talking about another man in front of me? – Tech
  • Something happen between you and Kasuga? – Soul

Awakening Chance 1

  • Those guys only exist in soaps. – Body
  • Anyone could do that if they had the money. – Tech
  • I should’ve done that, too. – Soul

Awakening Chance 2

  • The kind who won’t be fazed by a ton of roses. – Tech
  • She’s wonderful, but not as lovely as you. – Soul
  • She’s unique. The daughter of the Fujinomiya family. – Body

Awakening Chance 1

  • Whatever happens, I’ll protect you. – Soul
  • Tell me more about this guy. – Body
  • Are you scared of falling in love? – Tech

Awakening Chance 2

  • I know the gist of it. – Body
  • That’s when he pissed you off, right? – Tech
  • I want to hear it from you. – Soul

Awakening Chance 1

  • How can I ignore a friend in trouble? – Body
  • I’ve got time, go on. – Tech
  • Don’t go changing the subject, now. – Soul

Awakening Chance 2

  • The person who called you just now. – None
  • The CEO of the consulting firm – Tech
  • Your business rivals, the club that’s headhunting. – None

After a cutscene, a battle will ensue with a group of 4 Level 32 enemies! Take them all out to max out Saeko’s bond!

For more Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth guides and walkthroughs, click here!