Bloodsport Gig Guide | Cyberpunk 2077

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Welcome to NGB and our Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough for the Bloodsport gig! This guide will cover everything you will need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the gig and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the Bloodsport Gig

To begin the Bloodsport gig in Cyberpunk 2077, approach the gig location slightly northeast of Clarenoon St fast travel point in Little China. You’ll need to complete some jobs for Regina before it shows up on the map.

Bloodsport Walkthrough

Go to the Tyger Claws’ Dogo

Bloodsport Cyberpunk 2077

This gig comes with the optional choice to not raise any alarms. This is the option the client prefers since he doesn’t want his coach’s death to weigh on his conscience. This means that you must sneak through the dojo without anyone seeing you!

Find Out Where Roh is Being Held

Distract the enemy guarding the front door of the dojo then take them out stealthily. Facing the main entrance to the dojo, take a left and follow the building around until you reach a dead end where there is a door you can force open on your left (need a high Body Value).Open this door then head down the stairs to the basement.

If you don’t have the Body Value, you’ll need to go in through the main door. From there, take a right and follow along the outside of the dojo avoiding the cameras and Tygers. When you reach the other side, head into the weight room and deal with one more enemy and camera then head through the door underneath the camera. From there, head down the stairs.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, take out the camera down the hall on the left. Proceed towards that camera then take a right to head down another hallway.

Set Roh Free

The coach is being held in the room on your left. Open the door to that room then distract the enemy inside so you can take him out stealthily.

Talk to Roh / Help Roh get outside

Next, speak with the man sitting on the chair then escort him outside without raising the alarm. If you backtrack the way you came in, you won’t have any problems as the camera and enemies will still be down.

Talk to Roh

When you make it to the street, turn right and head towards the car Regina has waiting outside. Speak with Roh when he makes it to the car. You can either choose to tell him that Macidew was the culprit or not. The decision does not matter.

If you make it through this gig without raising the alarm, Regina will give you a bonus when she calls you. Follow the objective to collect your reward and complete the gig.

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