Welcome to our guide on where to find all the collectibles in 04 From Dusk till Dawn of Evil West. In this chapter you’ll find 7 money stashes.
From Dusk Till Dawn Collectibles
At the start of the area, shoot down the man hanging from the tree.

After jumping over the small barrier near the dead men hanging, turn right then shoot the TNT barrels blocking the alley. You’ll find the trunk filled with cash in this alley.

Just after picking up the Overhealth container, head forward a short way then look right to find a breakable box behind a stack of crates.

After fighting the Leecher (fat boy), look at the climbable point near the crane. To the right of this, jump through the gap in the fence then shoot down the body hanging.

Bucks & Bucks
After fighting the Leecher (fat boy), you’ll need to climb up the wall near the crane towards Elias. When you reach Elias a cutscene will trigger and a horde of enemies will show up. The breakable crate can be found just past where Elias was standing and the body will be hanging from the barn. Shoot the body down to get the money.

In order to proceed with the story, you’ll need to climb up a makeshift wooden ramp to reach a higher ledge. Before doing this, head under the ramp and melee the planks to clear the path, revealing a trunk filled with cash.

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