Welcome to our guide on where to find all the collectibles in 10 Bats in the Belfry of Evil West. In this chapter you’ll find 6 lore collectibles, 1 chests and 30 money stashes.
Bats in the Belfy Collectibles
This bag of bucks can be found on a table in the briefing room next to the weapons display.

This bag of bucks can be found on a table in the large machine room.

Collectible – Daily Mail News 4/4
This lore is located in the machine room on a crate.

Collectible – State Courier 1/1
This lore can be found in Emilia’s workshop.

This bag of bucks can be found in the morgue.

When you load into the outdoor area, look on the left to spot a melee point. Destroy the debris then grab the bag of money.

Follow the path a short ways until you see a small split. Take the right path to find this bag of bucks.

This bag of money can be found on the main path just after shooting the TNT crates.

Along the main path you’ll find a man hanging from the electrical pole. Shoot him down to receive the money.

After exiting the area where you fight the first group of enemies, a breakable crate will be straight in front of you.

On the other side of the wagon across the way (near where you first entered this area after fighting the enemies), you’ll find some TNT. Shoot it to reveal a trunk filled with bucks.

Follow the main path towards a house. When the path forks, take a right. Past the enemies you’ll find a breakable crated filled with bucks.

This breakable crate can be found on the porch of a house.

By one of the houses, you’ll spot some TNT. Shoot it to create an opening then head inside.

This bag of money can be found on the back of a wagon underneath the overhang of a building near a melee point.

After passing through town, hug the right side along a fence to find this bag of bucks.

This trunk filled with bucks can be found in a structure containing stacks of wood.

This bag of bucks can be found on a bookshelf in the large building with wood stacks.

This bag of bucks can be found on the main path just before the entrance to the Christian Church.

Collectible – Felicity’s Diary 3/6
After climbing up the ledge on your way to the church, you’ll spot this lore by the large crystals in front of a large tree.

On the other side of this open space, you’ll find yourself a bag of money.

After fighting the enemies in the cemetery, you’ll bust through a gate. Straight ahead you’ll find this crate of bucks.

Along the main path, you’ll see a man hanging from a power pole just before the stables. Shoot him down to receive the bucks.

With the stables in front of you, take a left to find this bag of bucks on the porch.

When facing the stables, head to the right and follow the path to the dead end to find this bag of bucks on a porch.

In the stables, you’ll see a man hanging on the right side. Shoot him down to get the bucks.

Collectible – Felicity’s Diary 4/6
Next to the hanging man, you’ll see this lore on some barrels.

Chest – Healthy Lifestyle Perk
After exiting the barn, you’ll need to fight a bunch of enemies. Afterwards, you’ll need to shoot the targets to power up the door. Locate the building with the 3 lights above the door. To the right of this building, you’ll find a chain that you can shoot down. Climb up this chain to locate the chest at the top in the room.

Head up the stairs from the workbench to spot a melee point on your left. After you punch through it, you’ll find a trunk of bucks.

This bag of bucks is found on some crates along the main path.

This breakable crate can be found on the right side of the main path.

Along the left side of the main path, you’ll spot a stack of TNT. Blow it up to reveal a trunk of bucks.

Across from the above trunk, there will be an alley. Take it to find a point you can melee. Do so to reveal a trunk of cash.

Collectible – Felicity’s Diary 5/6
This lore can be found along the main path on a bench just before a hole in a building surrounded by a bunch of large crystals.

When crossing through some buildings, this bag of bucks will be on the right side on a counter.

Along the main path just past the saloon, you’ll spot a stack of TNT. Shoot it to reveal the trunk of cash.

Collectible – Felicity’s Diary 6/6
Just before the gate you’ll need to melee to progress the story, you’ll find this lore to the left on a cart.

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