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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Exquisite Cuisine quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Exquisite Cuisine quest.

How to Start the Exquisite Cuisine Quest

Map of where to start the Exquisite Cuisine quest in Sand Land

To start the Exquisite Cuisine quest, you’ll need to progress in the game until you’ve completed the main story quest, Water to the World! Once you’ve done that, travel to Talbo and speak with Lirule and Shunan just past the main entrance. Lirule is traveling around searching for unique ingredients with Shunan (a rare game hunter). She’ll talk about wanting to open a restaurant once she finds her signature dish to which Belz recommends Spino. Shunan is also interested in moving there so the pair agree to do so once their ingredient hunt is over! That’s where Belz comes in!!

Exquisite Cuisine Quest Walkthrough

Bring the Cactus to Lirule

To find a cactus, just exit the town heading east and you should spot a few in the desert. Destroy one and collect the items it drops. Take those back to Lirule who is not impressed. Having already sampled an everyday cactus, she requests something more exciting.

Find Some BBQ Scorpion in the Demon Village

Map image of where to find the Scorpion BBQ during the Exquisite Cuisine quest in Sand Land

After Belz mentions BBQ Scorpion as a favorite in the Demon Village, Lirule will start chanting its name. Make your way there and speak with Izuna who can be found cooking food next to a campfire at the southern part of the village. She’ll hand over a BBQ Scorpion which you can take back to Lirule. She’ll try the food which she likes but isn’t quite what she’s looking for. Belz remembers one more thing about a ruin with a lot of rare ancient stuff and agrees to check it out for her.

Find Rare Food in the Hingu Ruins

Map of where to find the Hingu Ruins during the Exquisite Cuisine quest in Sand Land

Our next destination is the Hingu Ruins which can be found in the desert to the west of Demon Village. When you get there, Belz will notice a strange smell. You’ll want to head to the Hingu Ruins: Underground then follow the path through the next room and head left down the hallway bringing you to an area with the middle section of the floor missing. Jump over to the other side and interact with the canned food on the crates to the left.

Bring the Canned Food to Lirule

Now that we have the canned food in our possession (who knows how old it is!), return to Talbo and give it to Lirule. This will trigger a cutscene which leads to the completion of the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,200z and a new decal at the Spino Paint Shop. Lirule and Shunan will also move to Spino.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

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