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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Cry for Help quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Cry for Help quest.

How to Start the Cry for Help Quest

Map of where to start the Cry for Help quest in Sand Land

To start the Cry for Help quest, you’ll first need to progress the main story until you reach the Two Kinds main quest. Once you’ve started that, travel to the Royal Capital in the Ghalet Region of Sand Land then head west to find a person being attack by a group of bandits (slightly northwest of Marhan Base). Take them all out then speak with Ele afterwards. She’ll offer the group thanks then ask the group to head to a grotto to collect their reward for helping.

Cry for Help Quest Walkthrough

Make for the Western Grotto

Map of where to find the grotto during the Cry for Help quest in Sand Land

Start by heading west from Ele’s location to reach the Grotto she was talking about (that boulder above the entrance isn’t suspicious at all!). After you arrive, head inside and loot the lone chest to discover that it’s locked. Exit the cave to trigger a cutscene where Rao’s suspicions are confirmed.

Defeat the Wannabe Junkers

When you regain control of the party, you’ll be ambushed by a group of Wannabe Junkers. Make quick work of them then Rao will comment about a noise he heard inside of the cave.

Go Inside the Grotto and Check the Treasure Chest Again

Enter the cave once more and interact with the chest to trigger another cutscene that leads to the completion of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,900z and Armored Legs III for the Jump Bot. Additionally, Rao invites Ele to move to Spino and she accepts.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

For more guides and walkthroughs on Sand Land, make sure to check out our Sand Land main page!

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