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Welcome to NGB and our complete guide for Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest. Here we’ll cover the story section of the game that takes place in Moonguile Forest, any items you can find while exploring, the enemies calling the area home along with their weakness and resistances and any favors you can complete in the area.

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Items

The items listed below can be found around Moonguile Forest, so make sure to keep an eye out for them.

  • Cave at the Beginning of the Forest
    • Magnus: Voice Lv. 1
  • 2nd Area with the Stream
    • Magnus: Leather Hat
    • Magnus: Bamboo Shoot
    • Magnus: Ice Dagger
  • Area with the Archways
    • Magnus: Flame Sword
    • Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 1
  • Lord of the Spring Room
    • Magnus: Escape

The Ice Dagger in the second area is located behind a log blocking access to it. Once you learn to seal the essence of items in blank cards, you can interact with the fireplace in the mayor’s house at Cebalrai. This will get you the fire you need to burn away the fallen log. You can’t do this until you defeat the Lord of the Spring.

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Story

When you arrive at Moonguile Forest, Kalas will find himself in a cave. He’ll also be accompanied by two bat enemies and there we’ll be an item on the left side (Magnus: Voice Lv. 1). Grab it then head north through the illuminated pathway. This will bring you outside near a river. Nearby, there will be a guy sitting near a log. Speak with him then exhaust his dialog options to get a crash course on combat. When you’ve finished, go north along the river passing through a slightly concealed cave. There will be an item (Magnus: Leather Hat) on the other side for you to collect.

Just past the guy sitting on the ground near a log, there will be another log on the right preventing you find getting the item behind you. You won’t be able to collect this item until after you complete the story section here and return to Cebalrai. You’ll then need to progress the story until Larikush teaches you how to use blank cards.

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest

Backtrack a bit then cross the river and head south to find another item (Magnus: Bamboo Shoot). Go north along the river to reach the next area of the forest. Make sure you are prepared, as you are about to face a mini boss.

In the next area, a cutscene will trigger involving the blonde girl you met in the village and her companions. This will lead to a fight where she and Kalas will team up against a Sabre Dragon. The beast will resist any fire attacks you send its way but is also weak to water. Use that to your advantage to take it down. Also make sure to snag a picture of the dragon that you can sell later! After the Sabre Dragon falls, another cutscene will trigger. The girl will introduce herself as Xelha and decide to tag along to the ancient ruins.

When you regain control of Kalas, proceed to the next area of Moonguile Forest. When you arrive, head left through the archways to find an item (Magnus: Flame Sword) at the end. Backtrack to the first archway and follow the path north around the area towards the red flower. Along the way, to the east of flower you’ll be able to grab another item (Magnus: Fire Burst Lv. 1). Make sure to use the red flower to save when you reach it along with healing up as necessary. There is a boss fight coming up in the next area!

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Boss Fight

Head to the next area to trigger a cutscene during which the Lord of the Spring will appear. After some dialog it will then attack the party. The Spring Lord uses water-based attacks which means it also resists water. To deal extra damage, use fire-based moves to hit its weak point. One thing to watch out for is its 4 attack combo that typically ends with a big attack dealing around 50 damage total. Also make sure to snag a picture of the creature to sell later. When the creature falls, another cutscene will trigger. After it concludes, you’ll be back at the world map. Return to Cebalrai!

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Favors

Help the Man with a Bracelet Catch the Bluebirds

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Man with a Bracelet Catch the Bluebird of Happiness

After dealing with the Lord of the Spring, return to the area with the red flower to find a Man with a Bracelet near the stone archway. Speak with him to learn that he’s a professor of zoology who can communicate with animals. He is here trying to catch a Bluebird of Happiness and asks Kalas to lend a hand. If you agree, he’ll give you a bit more information saying that he’s always dreamed of stuffing one of those birds. To catch the birds in his trap, you’ll need to head to the red flower. Along the way, the birds will fly in the wrong direction causing the man to yell at you. Next, either battle the Shawra flying around near the flower or enter the area where you fought the Lord of the Spring then comeback. This will reset the bluebirds allowing you to walk past their nest in way sending them towards the Man with a Bracelet.

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Man with a Bracelet Bluebirds of Happiness Location

When successful, the man will let you know that he caught one. Head back and speak with him then interact with the birds and trap their essence in one of your blank cards.

Baten Kaitos Moonguile Forest Enemies

EnemyWeakness / Resistance
Lord of the SpringResist: Water
Weakness: Fire
Sabre DragonResists: Fire
Weakness: Water
Shawra (bat)Resists: Wind
Weakness: Chronos
UnukResists: Fire
Weakness: Water

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