by NightlyGamingBinge in

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Soryotanog Shrine can be found on a top of a giant rock above the throne room in Gerudo Town.

It’s reachable using a combination of the Ascend ability and climbing. In order to clear the shrined you’ll first need to complete the Buried Light challenge. To do this, start by pulling the fan in the room out of the sand by using the Ultrahand ability. Strike the fan with your weapon then pick it up and use it to blow away the sand piles revealing a chest at the bottom of one of them. Loot the chest to receive the small key and use it to unlock the door.

Grab the fan and head through the doorway. Deal with the construct there then use the fan to blow away the sand pile.

Drop the fan then head back by the doorway to spot a ledge you can get under. Use Ascend to reach the top of it then follow the path around jumping down into the area on the other side.

Take care of the construct here then locate the fan on the ground. Use it to blow away the sand piles revealing a beam of light and a mirror. Place the mirror on the light beam and angle it so that its going through the bars into the other room.

Use Ascend to climb up the ledge and drop back into the previous room then grab the mirror using Ultrahand and move it into the beam of light. Angle the beam so that it hits the panel above the door leading to the altar.

This will charge it up opening the door allowing you to receive the Light of Blessing.

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