by NightlyGamingBinge in

The Makasura Shrine can be found on the southern hills overlooking Kakariko Village.

To clear the shrine, you’ll need to complete the An Upright Device challenge. Start off by heading down the stairs and then standing under the walkway hanging off the high ledge. Use the Ascend ability then follow the path to the gap. There will be a long piece of metal with an artifact attached to the bottom of it. Use the Ultrahand power to adjust the object so that the device is near the edge.

Climb on top of the metal railing going to the opposite end of the device. Hit it with an arrow to be launched across the gap.

In the next area, you’ll need to do the same thing as before to reach the other side of the fence. Before sending the ball over, you may want to use the makeshift trebuchet to reach a ledge opposite the fence to grab a chest with a Fairy Tonic inside.

With that out of the way, send the ball over the fence then yourself. Place the ball in the floor pressure plate to open a gate. Grab the metal piece behind it and attach it to the one you already have. Position the device so that it faces the altar and place Link in the bucket part.

Hit the device to launch Link across the gap to the altar. Head on up to grab your Light of Blessing.

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