by NightlyGamingBinge in

This shrine can be found on a sky island in the South Eldin Sky Archipelago west of the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower.

You’ll have to overcome the Water Makes A Way challenge to reach the altar. in the first room, there will be water shooting out of a spigot on the wall to the right. Use your Ultrahadn ability to move the stone under the water to the other side of the little fence. This will cause another stone to be created. Keep attaching stones to make a bridge for you to cross the lava.

Once you’re on the other side, look to the left side of the room (opposite the cracked wall) to find a chest up on a ledge above some more lava. Add a couple more pieces of stone to your bridge and move it over to the ledge using it as a ramp to reach the chest.

Return to the cracked wall and break it using a blunt weapon. If you don’t have one, you can grab the Rusty Claymore on the left of the cracked wall and fuse it with one of the stone blocks from the lava. You can then use it to break the cracked wall heading through afterward.

When you reach the bridge over the lava, look to the left to spot the altar. Return to the chest in the previous room and grab your ramp using it to cross the lava lake reaching the altar. It will take 6 sections of rock slab to reach the other side where you can grab your Blessing of Light.

One random thing to note, there are a couple of hydrants throughout the level. You can fuse them with your weapons to add a water effect!

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