Xenoblade Chronicles X – Supplies Surprise Mission Guide

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Welcome to NGB and our Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition walkthrough for the Supplies Surprise mission! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the Supplies Surprise Mission

To begin the Supplies Surprise mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, speak with Nalu near the Drongo Caravan in Cauldros during the Hope Springs Eternal affinity mission. The recommended level for this mission is 10.

Supplies Surprise Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition

Supplies Surprise Walkthrough

Nalu is crying after being threatened by the Ganglion. Gather the goods she requires.

Gather six Deflection Shield Mirrors in Primordia

In Primordia, travel to one of the following places to find the Deflection Shields: East Gate Plain, East Janpath Plain, La Mancha, North Janpath Plain, Silent Mire, and West Janpath Plain. The Deflection Shields will be objects on the ground marked by the green objective markers.

Gather three Multi-Mirror Solar Drones in Oblivia

To find the Multi-Mirror Solar Drones, travel to Twin Arches in Oblivia. You’ll find them on the ground marked with green objective markers.

Gather five Mk. IX Hypercoolers in Noctilum

You can find the Mk. IX Hypercoolers at Fukai Pass and FN Site 215 in Noctilum. They will be the objects on the ground marked with green objective markers.

Talk to Nalu

Return to Nalu at Caulros’ Drongo Caravan. A cutscene will trigger and Nalu will leave. Make the decision to investigate Nalu!

Talk to Lularita

Next, you’ll need to speak with Lularita at Drongo Caravan.

Find an A-HAB Autonomous AI unit in Sylvalum

You’ll find the A-HAB Autonomous AI unit at Cauldron Threshold in Sylvalum.

Gather eight Nostalgia L-002 units in Noctilum

The Nostalgia L-002 Units can be found at Fukai Pass and FN Site 215 in Noctilum. They will be objects marked on the ground by the green objective markers.

Gather ten Bullet Flies in Cauldros

The Bullet Flies can be found at Scholes Battlegrounds in Cauldros. They will be an object on the ground marked by the green objective marker.

Talk to Lularita

After you’ve gathered all the items, speak with Lularita to deliver them.

Talk to Nalu

Once you’ve finished speaking with Lularita, head on over and speak with Nalu. The Supplies Surprise mission will then end.

Completion Rewards

As a reward for completing the Supplies Surprise mission, you’ll receive the following:

  • Experience x160
  • Reward Money x9,000
  • Dance of Deception
  • Youthful Sheep Horns

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