A Cure for Rage Side Quest Walkthrough | Avowed

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Welcome to NGB and our Avowed walkthrough for the A Cure for Rage quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the A Cure for Rage Quest

Avowed A Cure for Rage

To begin the A Cure for Rage side quest in Avowed, speak with Grakohr at his cave in The Sallow Steppe.

A Cure for Rage Avowed

A Cure for Rage Walkthrough

You discovered an ogre holding a merchant hostage. He asked for your help in saving him from a deadly illness.

Find the Recipe for the Ogre’s Cure

Head northeast of the cave to find a book on a broken cart. Read it!

Find the Recipe for the Ogre's Cure

Acquire a Jar of Gunpowder Snuff

Acquire a Jar of Gunpowder Snuff

North of Grakohr’s Cave, you’ll find a cart with a letter on it to learn what happened to the stuff. A marker will then update on your map!

Acquire a Jar of Gunpowder Snuff

Follow the objective to Warden Lerae.

Warden Lerae's location

Speak with her, and she’ll give you the gunpowder.

Warden Lerae

More markers will appear on your map!

Acquire a Calcified Beetle Nest Nodule

Acquire a Calcified Beetle Nest Nodule

When you reach the objective, you’ll find a bunch of beetles. Take them out then loot the Calcified Fire Beetle Nest.

Acquire a Calcified Beetle Nest Nodule

Acquire Anti-Mycotic Moss

Acquire Anti-Mycotic Moss

Travel to the ledge on the northeast side of the Sallow Steppe Party Camp to find the moss.

Acquire Anti-Mycotic Moss

Return to the Ogre

Once you’ve acquired all of the ingredients, return to the ogre and give him the ingredients for the cure. Gilyn will then return to the tower and the A Cure for Rage quest will complete. As a reward, you’ll receive the Stoneheart amulet.

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