Escape Plan Quest Walkthrough | Avowed

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Welcome to NGB and our Avowed walkthrough for the Escape Plan quest! This guide will cover everything you need to know to easily complete this quest, including how to start the mission and the steps you will need to take to finish it.

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How to Start the Escape Plan Quest

Escape Plan Avowed

To begin the Escape Plan side quest in Avowed, speak with Remei Gardiola near Liviana’s Clinic in the southern part of Paradis.

Avowed Escape Plan

She’ll ask you for help gathering supplies so friends of hers can escape to a new city to live their lives in peace.

Escape Plan Quest Walkthrough

Acquire the Land Deeds

Acquire the Land Deeds

Travel to the objective in the Pearl District. Once there, enter the building and loot the Thirdborn Land Deeds from the body.

Acquire the Land Deeds

Acquire Ondra’s Kiss

Acquire Ondra's Kiss

Travel to the objective on the northeastern side of the Southern Embrace. Once there, loot the plant!

Acquire Ondra's Kiss

Bring the Supplies to the Refugees

Bring the Supplies to the Refugees

Travel to the southern part of Shantytown and speak with Glaedwine in a house.

Confront the Smugglers

Travel west of Old Pargrun Wall to find a group of smugglers. Enter the bandit camp and speak with Captain Soldis.

If you saved Illora in the prologue from the jail cell, she’ll be present and will vouch for you. This will result in the captain allowing the couple onto the boat for free. Otherwise, you’ll need to pay 1,000 cp or defeat them.

Return to Leoflaed

Travel back to Leoflaed to report what happened with the smugglers. Afterward, the Escape Plan quest will complete, and you’ll receive a bunch of materials.

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