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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on The High Roller expert quest. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the quest and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start The high Roller Expert Intel

During The Droidsmith main quest, you’ll speak with a bartender in The Alcazar in Myrra on Akiva. When speaking with this bartender, you’ll automatically start The High Roller expert intel chain.

The High Roller Expert Intel Walkthrough

Taking your shot

You’ve learned that there is a high-stakes Sabacc parlor somewhere in The Alcazar in Myrra on Akiva. Lean against a high table near the entrance of the cantina to overhear a conversation about the Sabacc parlor.

Star Wars Outlaws High Roller

Private Parlor

Private Parlor

In Myrra, travel to the Satrap’s Promenade and enter the building to the southeast of the Lunda Nyside armorer.

Private Parlor star wars outlaws

Head inside then make your way across the room to the door. Proceed through that door then head downstairs and speak with the bouncer. You can either bribe your way through or use your contacts. Once in the gambling room, a cutscene will trigger and you’ll speak with Lando. The High Roller expert intel chain will then complete and you’ll begin The High Roller expert quest.

The High Roller Expert Quest Walkthrough

Travel to the Crimson Dawn District in Kijimi

At the start of The High Roller expert quest, make your way over to the Crimson Dawn District in Kijimi City.

Win back Lando’s Sabacc token

Win back Lando's Sabacc token

Once there, travel to the southeastern corner of the district to the Crimson Dawn Cardroom. Inside sit down at the table to play the game and win! Please note that the buy in is 100 credits! After winning, you’ll get the token!

Travel to Akiva Orbit

Now that you have the token, return to your ship and travel back to Akiva Orbit where you’ll need to evade the Imperial patrol.

Reach Karaba Foothills on Akiva

Meet with lando

Once the TIE fighters have been eliminated, land on Akiva and travel to the Karaba Foothills, which are north of Myrra. When you approach a bridge near the objective, Lando will radio in, telling you to take a side path just past the bridge to the left. Follow it for a ways to reach his people then speak with the pilot standing near the ship.

Lando's associate

Defend the Rebels

After speaking with the Rebels, the Empire will attack requiring you to help fend them off. The first wave will attack from the south then you’ll need to head to the west side to prevent them from flanking you. There you’ll have to fend off multiple waves of Stormtroopers before they’ll finally retreat.

Talk to Lando

Now that Empire has been dealt with, head back to the area by the ships to find Lando. Approach him to trigger a cutscene where Kay will hand over the data completing the quest. You’ll receive 500 credits and unlock Lando’s abilities as the Higher Roller. By default, Kay will get Plan A and Plan B.

Additional Star Wars Outlaws Guides

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