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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Music Heals the Soul quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Music Heals the Soul quest.

How to Start the Music Heals the Soul Quest

Where to start the Music Heals the Soul quest in Sand Land

To start the Music Heals the Soul quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach the Two Kinds main story quest. Additionally, you’ll need to have completed a chunk of the Spino side quests.

Once you’ve done that, speak with Desse and Lecto near Little Oasis in Spino. They are talking about the restaurant causing Rao to enter the conversation. They ask him and the group to look into it so they can unwind after a hard day’s work.

Music Heals the Soul Quest Walkthrough

Check on the Restaurant

Enter the Little Oasis and speak with Shunan who will tell the group that Lirule is having a cooking crisis saying none of her food tastes good. He’ll also mention this happened before back in the Royal Capital due to stress and that it took Orphe playing some music to knock her out of it.

Visit Orphe in the Royal Capital

area image of where to find Orphe for the Music Heals the Soul quest in Sand Land

Travel to the Royal Capital located to the northeast of Spino in the Gahlet Region of Sand Land. When you get there, head down the road then in the area just before the castle courtyard, look to the west. Speak with Orphe there who can be found sitting on a bench behind the stalls. He’ll mention that his lute is busted and doesn’t sound right. Belz will agree which leads Orphe to ask him to retrieve his sacred lute that was stolen by some Wannabe Junkers.

Take Back the Priceless Lute

Map of where to find the priceless loot during the Music Heals the Soul quest in Sand Land

Exit the capital and head northwest to find the Wannabe Junkers in a grotto. Approach the entrance to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight against them.

Defeat the Wannabe Junkers

Once the fight starts, take out the group of enemies to kick off another cutscene where the Wannabe Junkers will hand over the lute.

Bring the Priceless Lute Back to Orphe

Return to the Royal City and speak with Orphe to hand it over. To thank Belz for helping him out, he’ll agree to travel to Spino and play a song for Lirule.

Go Check on the Restaurant

Make your way back to Spino and head to the Little Oasis speaking with Shunan inside. A cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the quest. You’ll then be rewarded with 1,900z.

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