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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Build More Zip Lines quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Build More Zip Lines quest.

How to Start the Build More Zip Lines Quest

map of where to start the Build More Zip Lines quest in Sand Land

To start the Build More Zip Lines quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Lutia in Spino in the northern part of time close to the water wheel. She’ll be complaining that her legs feel like they are going to fall off due to taking the stairs to stay fit. Ann will mention having Lecto make a new zip line prompting the man to appear! He’ll agree to the request, but asks for the materials to begin working!

Build More Zip Lines Quest Walkthrough

Give the Zip Line Materials to Lutia

In order to build the zip line for Lutia, you’ll need to collect 8 quality steels, 4 magnets, and 2 ropes for Lecto. You can purchase the ropes from Ades at the Item shop in town. The magnets can be obtained from the Workshop by trading in 3 Old Iron Ingots per magnet along with the Quality Steel which requires 1 iron ore and 1 titanium ore.

Once you have everything you need. deliver the materials to Lutia who will grab Lecto. This will lead to a quick event where a couple more zip lines will be added to Spino. The quest will then complete and you’ll be rewarded with 1,900z.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

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