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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the A Playful Find quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Playful Find quest.

How to Start the A Playful Find Quest

Map of where to start the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

In order to start the A Playful Find quest, you’ll first need to complete the Top-Secret Mission side quest in Spino. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Arthur at his Extra Chip shop. He’s facing quite a dilemma as he wants to make a new chip but requires another chip that is impossible to get a hold of. Only one chip like it exists and was placed in a Defender bot. According to him, there should be one somewhere on the Merrick Battleship. Rao will agree to help, basically forcing Belz to go too! Arthur says a good place to start would be the Merrick Junker’s Market.

A Playful Find Quest Walkthrough

Head for the Merrick Junker Market

Map of where to find Merrick during the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino and travel to Junker Market: Merrick in the Chapa Region located in the northeastern part of Sand Land.

Gather Information About the Chip

Area map of the junkers you'll need to talk to during the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

When you get there, speak with Kaliho who is standing along the main road, and Burner standing by the northern gate. Afterward, Belz will conclude that the younger Junkers don’t know anything and decides to speak out to some older ones.

Gather More Information

Exit the northern gate and follow the path leading to the entrance to the battleship. Speak with Ritra nearby to ask about the special Defender. He’ll then give you directions to the bot.

Search Merrick Battleship for the Bot

Area image of the special defender bot we are looking for during the A Playful Find quest in Sand Land

Enter the battleship and jump down through the giant gap in the middle of the room to reach the bottom level. From there, head south and follow the path to reach a big open room. You’ll then need to use some walkways and fallen debris to work your way over to where the Defender is. Interact with SL005-Z to trigger a cutscene.

Talk to Ritra

Exit the battleship then speak with Ritra nearby who will require 10,000z to purchase the bot. Do so (or go earn some money first) to prompt Belz to hold off on the sale for a moment.

Decide What to do with SL005-Z

You’ll have two options for the bot. You can have Ritra take out the chip which would destroy the bot or choose to save the bot and bring it back to Spino with you.

Report to Arthur

Make your way back to Spino and speak with Arthur. If you had Ritra remove the chip, then you’ll hand it over and the quest will complete. Alternatively, if you chose to save SL005-Z, then Belz will have Arthur fix him up. Arthur will make a comment saying that he gets it, you grew attached to the bot and it’s happened to him before. He’ll then comment that he’ll just trash the project. This is where our new friend will chime in and mention that he has a spare chip that Arthur can have thus completing the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,900z and a Power+ Chip (Laser) either way. Saving SL005-Z will result in him becoming a citizen of Spino.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

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