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Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the A Greener Spino quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the A Greener Spino quest.

How to Start the A Greener Spino Quest

Map of where to start the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

To start this quest, you’ll first need to progress in the game until you reach Forest Land. In addition to that, you’ll also need to have completed quite a few of the Spino quests to add new citizens and grow the town.

After doing that, speak with Eo near Vulture Nest in Spino who will tell the party that he wishes there was more green. Eo will elaborate furthering saying that he wants to make Spino lush with greenery similar to Forest Land.

To do this, he’ll ask that the group travel to Kentaur and speak with his acquaintance named Choux who can help out.

A Greener Spino Quest Walkthrough

Visit Choux in Forest Land’s Kentaur

Map of where to find Kentaur during the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

Leave Spino setting out for Kentaur in Forest Land. It is located in the northwestern corner of the Bahns Region. Once you arrive, head to the northwestern part of the town to find Choux. Speak with her to ask the lady about plants.

After Rao clears things up, she said she would love to see how plants grow in the desert but can’t leave just yet. A junker has taken to asking her for money and she wouldn’t feel right leaving until she knows he can make it on his own. The group decides to help out by looking into this young man to make sure he isn’t up to something nefarious!

Visit the Junker in Sagitta Camp

Map of where to find the Sagitta Camp during the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

You can find Sagitta Camp southeast of Kentaur and south of the Vender Radio Tower. Once you arrive, speak with the Junker to learn that Choux was the one who borrowed money from the Junker and he’s asking about money to collect on the interest that she owes him. He’ll then say if you can pay off the debt, she’s free to go. He needs 10,000 Zeni and that’s after knocking off the interest.

After getting the number, you have the option to have him lower it a bit. If you choose this option, then he’ll forgive the debt if you take on a job for him. The job request you to take out some Wannabe Junkers to take the parts they are hoarding. They can be found in the Big Junkyard.

Head for the Big Junkyard / Reclaim the Stolen Scrap

Map of where to find the Big Junkyard during the A Greener Spino in Sand Land

Travel east from the Sagitta Camp to reach the Big Junkyard. After arriving, head inside then work your way through the junkyard defeating the enemies as you go.

area of where to find the stolen scrap during the A Greener Spino quest in Sand Land

When you reach the area with the wooden watch tower in the middle, the stolen scarp can be found nearby on top of a pallet of wooden boxes.

Give the Junk to the Junkers

Now that you have the stolen scrap, return to the Sagitta Camp and speak with the Junker to hand them over. This will wipe out Croux’s debt.

Report to Choux

Now that all the leg work is done, head back to Kentaur and let Choux know that her debt has been forgiven. This will complete the quest rewarding you with 1,250z and 5mm Gatling Gun for the Battle Armor.

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