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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Sand Land guide for the Serious Settler quest. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Serious Settler quest.

How to Start the Serious Settler Quest

Map of where to start the Serious Settler quest in Sand Land

To start the quest, you’ll need to complete several side quests to grow Spino in addition to progressing the main story to the Aquanium Recovery main quest. Once you’ve done that, travel to Spino and speak with Hugh. He’ll talk about how awesome it is that Spino is growing to which Belz will ask what Hugh wants. He’ll respond by saying that he would love a big brother causing Belz to set out and find him one.

Serious Settler Quest Walkthrough

Find a Serious Settler for Hugh

Map of where to find a brother for Hugh during the Serious Settler quest in Sand Land

Exit Spino and travel northwest head to Junker Market: Lisab (you can also fast travel to Lisab and follow the road out of town south!) to find Gite along the road. Speak with the Junker to trigger quite an interesting conversation. When prompted, ask if he wants to come back with Spino. He agree to visit, but he didn’t say he’d live there!!

Report to Hugh

Now that we’ve found Hugh a brother, head back to Spino to let him know.

Check on Gite

Mosey on over to the center of town to find Gite by the giant spigot. Speak with him to learn that he doesn’t feel like he fits in with the town and wants to leave. Belz tells him that before leaving, he first needs to meet Hugh. After some encouragement from Belz, he’ll agree.

Wait and See What Happens

To get the next objective, you’ll need to wait for some time to pass. You can do this by completing another quest. Once it’s complete, return to Spino and the objective will change.

Check on Gite

Make your way to the center of town to find Gite and Gugh talking. Approach them to trigger a cutscene will things to an unexpected turn.

Ask the Townsfolk What They Think of Gite

Wander around town asking the people listed below what they think of Gite. After you’ve spoken to all four, the group will meet up to discuss.

  • Mayor Tor
  • Plica
  • Lutemis
  • Zeph

Go Cheer Up Hugh

Head over to the mayor’s house and speak with Hugh outside. He’ll tell you that Gite is missing with the other townspeople saying he went back to his old gang. To cheer him up, Belz promises Hugh that he’ll go after Gite for him.

Find Gite

Map of where to find Gite during the Serious Settler quest in Sand Land

To locate Gite, travel along the road leading to Lisab that you found him on originally. From there head east and you’ll find Gite surrounded by a group of Wannabe Junkers. Approach the group to trigger a cutscene which ultimately lead to a fight with them. After the last one goes down, speak with Gite to encourage him to return to Spino.

Check on Hugh and Gite

Return to Spino one last time and head for the center of the town to find Hugh and Gite. Approach them to trigger a cutscene leading to the completion of the quest. You’ll be rewarded with 1,250z and an Enhanced Armor EX Chip for your Motorbike.

Additional Sand Land Guides and Walkthroughs!

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