by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NBG and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory Chapter 2 walkthrough. In this walkthrough, you’ll find everything you need to know to complete Chapter 2 Handyman of Hudie!

Hacker’s Memory Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Internet Cafe: Hudie

After logging out of EDEN, head to the front of the cafe and talk to Ryuji. He’ll tell you to wait in Erika’s room and then leave to find Chitose. Enter the VIP door in the back of the cafe to trigger a cutscene. Once it ends, exit the room to start your Newbie Education 101 with Chitose. Follow the walkthrough on boards and what Hubie does. Interact with booth 10, selecting “Yes” when prompted to use the PC. Check the BBS Posts to see that two new cases were added. You’ll need to complete both of them to progress the story. You can find more details for them on our Complete List of Digimon Hacker’s Memory Cases!

EDEN Entrance

Once both cases have been solved, exit the PC to get a call from Chitose checking in. He’ll then send you on patrol with Erika to do some light maintenance. Log back onto the PC and select EDEN then travel to EDEN Entrance. After a quick event plays, you’ll receive the Unhappy Girl keyword leading to the Keywords tutorial. Before doing anything, speak with Mr. Navit who will give you 3 Home Gate and 3 Export items as a gift via the Advertising Tissue.

Now back to the main story. To progress, you’ll need to use the keyword to track down Erika. There are four individuals with a lock icon above their heads you’ll need to speak with to get the info we’re looking for. You can speak to them all if you want to reach the dialog, but the one we need is on the very top level of the EDEN Entrance on the right side wearing a black business suit. Speak with him and use the keyword to learn that Erika might be in another area. You’ll also receive the EDEN Free Area URL. To use it, return to the entrance of EDEN Entrance and use the warp pad to go to another area.

EDEN Free Area

From the EDEN menu, select the EDEN Free Area URL. Follow the main path left, then go north near the storage units for a cutscene. When it ends, head behind the storage units to find a Digimon medal. With it in your possession, use the warp pad to return to the EDEN Entrance.


  • Pafumon Medal (behind storage units)

EDEN Entrance

Now that we are back in EDEN Entrance, head up to the top level and go to the northwestern corner. You’ll spot a small Digimon there with an exclamation point (!) above his head. Approach it to trigger an event going over your role on this patrol. You’ll also receive the EDEN Community Area URL which is our next destination!


  • Brave Point E – under a bench in the middle level

EDEN Community Area

At the EDEN Community Area, locate the nearby stairs and climb down them. You’ll spot the Digimon we are after hiding behind an empty chair. Interact with the little guy to examine it. During the conversation, Erika will mention a problem tasking you to check with the people in the area while she does some debugging. There are 3 people in the sitting area and 2 in the upper area that you’ll need to speak with all with exclamation points (!) above their heads. If you speak with the 3 in the lower area and one by the warp pad, you’ll get enough information to kick off the next cutscene during which you’ll receive the Kowloon Lv. 1 URL. Make your way there with Erika when you are ready.


  • Puttimon Medal – near the giant hologram orb

Kowloon Lv. 1

Immediately after reaching Kowloon, you’ll notice a white cat along the path leading to the next area. Approach the cat for a little event, then follow it into the next area. Once you arrive at the park, interact with the three areas identified by an exclamation point (!). Following the examination of the third point of interest, another event will trigger where a second cat shows up.

Press on by following the white cat into the next area for a cutscene where our hacker will be sent to the DigiLab meeting Mirei Mikagura. You’ll then be free to examine everything in the DigiLab. When you’re done with that, interact with the warp pad across from Mirei to leave. On the way out, she’ll give you a Hacking Skill and the DigiLab URL.

Back in Kowloon, another cutscene will play out between the hacker and Erika only to be cut short by a scream. Follow the path heading east to reach the northwest side of the area to find Wormon being attacked by a Waspmon (virus). Interact with them to challenge the Waspmon. Defeat the Digimon for another cutscene ending Hacker’s Memory Chapter 2!


  • Hyogamon Medal – Near Wormmon

Digimon Story CS Hacker’s Memory Guides and Walkthroughs

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