by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition full walkthrough for Cyber Sleuth Chapter 18: Lost, Lost Memories. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete Chapter 18.

Cyber Sleuth Chapter 18 Walkthrough

Detective Agency

When you gain control of Nokia, you’ll be in the Detective Agency. Exit the room to select “Yes” when prompted to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, head to the access point to meet with Mirei in the DigiLab. Heal up and swap Digimon if needed, then leave when you are ready.

Beginning in EDEN

Keep heading south making your way towards the park. There will be a couple of chests along the way containing Best Meat x2, Friendship DX and Full Revival Spray. When you get close a cutscene will trigger. Afterward, interact with the hole by the pole to kick off another cutscene.

Boss Fight: Crusadermon

When that awesome cutscene ends, you’ll be thrown into a battle with virus-type Crusadermon, but this time you’ll be supported by my personal favorite Digimon! Damage Crusadermon until she’s around 1/4 health to witness a scripted event. After it ends, you’ll need to fight Crusadermon again, but this time with Yuuko. Same as the last time you fought her, make use of vaccine-type Digimon to deal double damage and throw in some light-based attacked additional damage on top of that. After she goes down this time, it’s light out.

Additional Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Guides

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